Practice Areas
Louise has extensive experience within the public law arena, acting for local authorities, parents, children (including competent children) and other family members. She is regularly instructed in the most complex cases, dealing with:
• Serious non-accidental injury/child death;
• Sexual abuse including historical sexual abuse;
• Fabricated illness;
• Radicalisation;
• Forced marriage and honour-based violence;
• Cases involving agency and non-agency adoption, including where adoptive placements have broken down.
Louise has experience of issues regarding disclosure and the involvement of the media, including PII issues and the use of special advocates.
Louise deals with a variety of private law issues in relation to children, including intractable child arrangements disputes. Louise has extensive experience of cases involving:
• Fact-finding hearings;
• sexual abuse, including false allegations of sexual abuse;
• Relocation including internal and external relocation;
• International and jurisdictional issues;
• Surrogacy and cases involving the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 as well as same-sex families.
Louise is often involved in cases involving the international movement of children, both in a public and private law context.
Louise’s Court of Protection practice is primarily focused on welfare matters. She has been instructed in cases involving issues about deprivation of liberty, capacity to consent to sexual relations and marriage as well as issues over treatment, placement and contact.