Practice Areas
Matthew practises in all areas of law relating to children.
He specialises in complex private law proceedings, where there are serious and sensitive allegations including domestic abuse, physical and sexual harm, implacably hostile parents, parental alienation and alcohol and drug addiction. He has represented mothers, fathers, children and relatives at all levels of Court up to the Court of Appeal in all forms of hearing including FHDRA, DRA, Fact Finding and Final Hearings and on appeal. He has been identified for his effective cross examination and his compelling advocacy.
He also practises in public law proceedings particularly representing children either through their Guardian or directly.
Matthew’s previous experience in immigration law means that he often undertakes and excels with work with an international or immigration aspect.
Matthew has been developing a niche practice relating to public law challenges to education and social services decisions where they relate to children.
London School of Economics.
Called to the bar in 2003, practised as paralegal in immigration law for 2 years and completed pupillage in 2006.
Recorder (Family Law), South Eastern Circuit (2019).
Co-Author of the Private Law Children Chapter of the Bar Course Training Manual.
Author of numerous practice notes and articles for LexisNexis.
Matthew is a trustee of Childhood First an organisation that provides therapeutic communities to traumatised children.
He lives in the Thames Valley and tries to go abroad and watch live sport when his practice permits.