Practice Areas
Isabel's practice focuses particularly on large and technically complex patent cases (including in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and telecoms) and on FRAND disputes. Isabel’s practice also covers other areas of intellectual property law including trade marks, passing off, copyright and registered and unregistered design rights.
Scheduled trials and appeals include Panasonic v Xiaomi (appeal on willingness and interim licences in the context of FRAND), Abbott v Dexcom (glucose monitoring system technology), DISH v Aylo (video streaming technology), Optis v Apple (FRAND appeal), and Regeneron v Amgen (pharmaceutical formulation).
Career highlights include (i) being a lead advocate for Optis against Apple in a trial dealing with the “unwilling licensee” issue in their ongoing FRAND dispute, (ii) representing Unwired Planet and Conversant in the Supreme Court in their respective FRAND disputes and (iii) representing Actavis in the Supreme Court on the issue of infringement by equivalents.
For a comprehensive CV visit chambers website at
Isabel has a first class Masters degree in Physics and Philosophy from Oxford University. She was awarded several major scholarships during her degree, law conversion and bar vocational courses. Called 2008; Lincoln's Inn.