Fabio Basso Barichello has more of 14 years of experience counseling companies on issues related to tax, His practice is focused on tax consulting and tax litigation, specifically related to administrative tax litigation. Mr. Barichello advises Brazilian and international companies in the field of telecommunications, information technology, petrochemicals, among others, in particular issues related to federal administrative litigation, regularly representing them in cases that proceed through before the Taxpayers Council.
Professional Memberships
- Center for Tax Studies Paulista (NUPET), Member
- Council Tax Issues Technical, Legal and Financial of Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (CONTEC/FIERGS), Counselor
- Brazilian Bar Association from Rio Grande do Sul (OAB/RS), Member of the Tax Law Special Committte
- Agroindustry Council, Legal and Financial of Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (CONAGRO/FIERGS), Counselor