Emilio Suarez
Latin America Guide 2025
Up and Coming : Public Law
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Up and Coming
Provided by Emilio Suarez
Practice Areas
Emilio is General Manager of the Firm. His experience is focused on advising local and foreign clients in highly complex proceedings in constitutional matters, with special emphasis on the proposal of jurisdictional guarantees. In this area, Emilio is also part of the specialized team that provides support in the preparation of expert opinions in constitutional law and procedural law, in national and international arbitrations.
Moreover, Emilio has devoted his professional practice to the resolution of disputes in different areas, such as civil, commercial, labor, administrative litigation, among others, on behalf of multinational companies in the region.
In the corporate area, he focuses his practice in advising national and international companies in corporate operations and transactions. He also advises institutions in the financial, securities and insurance systems.
In the academic field, Emilio is a professor of constitutional law and constitutional processes, both undergraduate and graduate, at Universidad San Francisco de Quito and Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. He is frequently invited as a panelist or speaker in various forums on constitutional law. He is a member of the Ibero-American Institute of Constitutional Law - Ecuador Section. Finally, he is an official member of the Legal Committee of the Chamber of Industries and Production.
Acción de protección, requisitos de admisibilidad y procedibilidad, artículo publicado en el libro “Las Garantías Jurisdiccionales en el Ecuador”, Editorial Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones, Quito, 2021.
Análisis de la sentencia No. 282-13-JP/19 respecto a la titularidad de los derechos del Estado. Publicado en el blog de la Revista de Derecho del Estado de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. (2019)
Tipos de sentencias sujetas al sistema de selección y revisión de la Corte Constitucional. Artículo publicado en la Revista Jurídica “Ruptura No. 59” de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Derecho de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. (2016)
“El bloque de constitucionalidad en el Ecuador”. Publicado en la página web de la Revista INDICIUM, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador https://indiciumnace.wordpress.com/ (2015)
“Acción Extraordinaria de Protección frente a Justicia Indígena”. Publicado en la página del Centro de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de las Américas
http://blogs.udla.edu.ec/centroderechoconstitucional/ensayosconstitucionales/aep-frente-a-justicia-indigena-emilio-esteban-suarez-salazar/ (2012)
Chambers Review
Latin America
Fast-ascending partner Emilio Suarez often aids clients in mandates relating to constitutional actions in the mining, medical, insurance and financial sectors in Ecuador.
Provided by Chambers
"Emilio Suarez is a very professional lawyer with a remarkable knowledge of constitutional cases and a commitment to the rules of law."
"Emilio Suarez is a very professional lawyer with a remarkable knowledge of constitutional cases and a commitment to the rules of law."