Practice Areas
Beth is a barrister practising in all areas of intellectual property and media law (including UK and EU rights), and related areas of contract law, breach of confidence, and commercial matters.
Beth is currently instructed for the Developers in the long-running Wright v COPA et al disputes (Bitcoin, database rights), in a number of cases defending against easyGroup (trade mark infringement and passing off), and for the Claimants/ Appellants in Thatchers v Aldi (10(£0 trade marks). She is also working on a number of ongoing copyright, trade mark, confidentiality, and patent cases, many with international/ cross-jurisdictional elements. She has particular experience with complex trade marks cases, including colour marks.
Beth has obtained a number of interim injunctions in the High Court, both with and without notice. She regularly appears alone before the UKIPO, Appointed Person, and the IPEC. Beth has been called to the Irish Bar.
For a comprehensive CV visit
Educated at Hills Road Sixth Form College; Mansfield College, Oxford (2011 History and Politics); BPP University (2015 GDL, 2016 BPTC). Lincoln’s Inn (2016), Irish Bar (2021).