Practice Areas
Alex, based in Ropes and Gray’s Washington, D.C. office, is a member of the firm’s governing Policy Committee and a former co-head of the firm’s litigation and enforcement practice group. Alex has extensive experience representing corporate entities and their executives in connection with litigation and investigations arising out of white collar criminal prosecutions, grand jury investigations, criminal antitrust investigations, and corporate compliance matters. Alex spent two years on secondment in London advising clients primarily on anti-bribery issues. Notably, as part of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the government, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) selected Alex to serve as the Independent Corporate Monitor for Embraer, S.A., a Brazilian aircraft manufacturer.
Prior to entering private practice, Alex served as a prosecutor in the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office, was an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, and a Trial Attorney in the DOJ’s Criminal Division, Fraud Section. While in the Fraud Section, Alex served on the DOJ’s Corporate Fraud Task Force and prosecuted matters involving mail, wire and procurement fraud, campaign finance and securities fraud, obstruction of justice, money laundering, and violations of the Travel Act and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.