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Two-factor authentication

What is two-factor authentication and what will I need to do? 

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to provide your Chambers account the highest level of safety and security. Once two-factor authentication is enabled on your account, each time you log in you’ll need to provide both your password and a security code.  The security code will be sent to your registered email account. 

Why is Chambers introducing two-factor authentication? 

Chambers & Partners is constantly striving to ensure the highest level of data security, enabling Two-Factor Authentication further ensures only accounts with a valid law firm email address can access submissions information. 


When will two-factor authentication be introduced?  

You will be prompted to opt-in and start using two-factor authentication when you log-in from 24 March. It will be compulsory for all users to use two-factor authentication when logging in from 24 April. 


Can I opt-out?



Not receiving Chambers emails - how to get whitelisted? 

If you have difficulty receiving emails from Chambers and Partners, please check your Spam/Junk folder as the email may sit in there.  

In addition, your company may not be accepting emails from Chambers.  In that case contact your IT department to ensure successful delivery of emails from chambers.com. 

Whitelisting means allowing specific email addresses or domains to bypass spam filters, ensuring they reach your inbox. This is done by adding them to a ‘safe senders’ list. 

Each email provider has different steps for whitelisting. Below are instructions for Gmail and Outlook, but you can find guidance online for other providers. 

Gmail – How to whitelist emails 

To prevent emails from being marked as spam in Gmail, follow these steps: 

  • Log into your Gmail account. 
  • Click on the Settings icon and select See all settings. 
  • Go to the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab. 
  • Click Create a new filter. 
  • Enter the email address or domain you want to whitelist. 
  • Click Create filter to confirm. 
  • Check the box next to Never send it to Spam. 
  • Click Create filter again to save your settings. 

Outlook – How to whitelist emails 

  • Sign in to your Outlook inbox on the web. 
  • Go to Settings. 
  • Click Mail, then navigate to Junk email. 
  • Under Safe senders and domains, click + Add. 
  • Enter the email address or domain to whitelist. 
  • Save your changes. 


How long will the security code be valid?

The security code will be valid for 6 minutes. If you cannot complete log-in within that timeframe, then you can request a new code to be resent. You can do this via the ‘Resend’ option shown on the log-in screen.  


I got logged out, what do I do? 

You have up to 5 failed log-in attempts before you are logged out of the system. If that happens you can try again after 30 minutes.  

I lost the code – can I get a new one?

Yes, you can request a new code to be re-sent via the ‘Resend code’ link visible on the log-in screen. Once a code has been generated, you’ll have to wait 60 seconds before you can request for a new code to be sent.  


How often will I have to repeat authentication?

We recommend you select the ‘Remember Me’ check box from your log-in screen. This will ensure you only have to repeat 2 FA once in a 12-hour period.   

If you sign-out of the system or do not select the above option, then you’ll have to repeat the process every time you log into your account. 

I am from a marketing consultancy firm, how do I continue accessing law firm's account?

If a law firm wants a marketing consultancy firm to continue accessing their account, they should create a unique email address for the user to enable them to access the firm’s account. The email address could be either with the initials or name followed by the law firm’s official domain name after @.

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