Provided by Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C.
Our practice handles all types of cases before the antitrust authorities (i.e., the COFECE and the IFT) and competent courts, from pre-merger filings, to investigations, administrative procedures, constitutional (Amparo) proceedings, as well as leniency applications. Our Firm represents clients in the most relevant investigations for alleged absolute monopolistic practices (cartels), illicit mergers, relative monopolistic practices (abuse of dominant position) and essential facilities and market investigation cases. We also devote substantial time in advisory on the compliance by clients with Mexican competition laws with respect to their operations, including advocacy work and mock dawn raids and internal investigations. As a significant portion of our work relates to cross-border deals, we continuously work as co-counsel with the most prestigious international and global law firms.
- Merger control
- Investigations for abuse of dominance, cartels, barriers to entry and essential inputs
- Pricing and distribution policies, and non-competition agreements
- Proceedings before the competition authorities and Mexican courts involving competition laws, including “amparo”
- Public bids and other special proceedings
In 2020, our Firm’s Competition / Antitrust Practice represented clients in approximately 45% of the merger control cases resolved by COFECE and we have represented clients in more than 50% of merger control cases that have been reviewed by the IFT since its creation.