Ranking tables
General Business Law: Public Law | Europe
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Band 2
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Band 1
1 Tiago AmorimMiranda & Associados | General Business Law: Public Law2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years RankedTiago Amorim is recognised as one of the most important public law specialists in Porto. He assists private sector clients with the preparation of tender bids and advises on litigation and arbitration against public authorities and state-owned companies.
Band 2
2 Diogo Duarte CamposPLMJ | General Business Law: Public Law2025 | Band 2 | 11 Years RankedDiogo Duarte Campos attracts attention for his handling of contentious public law matters. He assists with challenges to public tender awards and infrastructure construction work, and has experience in offences related to the energy sector. He also assists sovereign states with the drafting of concession contracts.
2 João Quintela CavaleiroCavaleiro & Associados | General Business Law: Public Law2025 | Band 2 | 11 Years RankedJoão Quintela Cavaleiro stands out as a popular choice for companies operating in the construction and energy sectors in Portugal. He advises on the negotiation of public contracts for infrastructure projects and acts both for public bodies and for private contractors in public law litigation. He also leads the firm's advice on a wider range of corporate and employment law matters.
2 Vasco Moura RamosCuatrecasas | General Business Law: Public Law2025 | Band 2 | 8 Years RankedVasco Moura Ramos heads Cuatrecasas' Porto office and handles the firm's key public law matters. He assists authorities with the preparation of public tender processes and defends claims filed by unsuccessful bidders.
Band 3
3 João Soares FrancoVdA | General Business Law: Public Law2025 | Band 3 | 7 Years RankedJoão Soares Franco assists public companies with varied advisory and litigation mandates relating to their provision of services in Porto. He also acts for construction companies in disputes with government authorities in relation to varied projects.
3 Raquel FreitasPLMJ | General Business Law: Public Law2025 | Band 3 | 5 Years RankedRaquel Freitas stands out for her particular experience in environment law topics, including environmental offences. She additionally assists clients with public contracts and public tenders.
Associates to watch
- Joana DuroMorais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados, SP, RL. | General Business Law: Public Law2025 | Associates to watch | 4 Years Ranked
Joana Duro consistently attracts praise for her contributions to the firm's public law team. She advises on contentious and non-contentious matters relating to telecoms concessions.