Ranking tables

Crime | UK

East Midlands

Our Crime sections focus on the representation of individuals during criminal investigations and prosecution for serious charges such as those concerning the illegal drugs trade, assault, sexual offences, terrorism and homicide. It covers work at all levels, from initial police dealings and high street advisory matters all the way to the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights. We take into account both privately and publicly funded work. Criminal matters related to fraud, money laundering and bribery are all reviewed separately in our Financial Crime sections.

Rankings overview for Departments

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Band 1

  1. Cartwright King
    Cartwright King
    2025 | Band 1 | 3 Years Ranked
    Cartwright King offers a highly regarded criminal law practice in Nottingham and Derby. The team accepts legal aid as well as privately funded instructions, representing clients primarily in financial and drug-related criminal cases. It also has notable skills in complex, multi-handed murder trials.
  2. 1
    Richard Nelson LLP
    2025 | Band 1 | 3 Years Ranked
    Richard Nelson in Nottingham offers a wide range of criminal defence services, with notable strength advising professionals facing criminal allegations. The team can advise in very serious criminal cases including those alleging murder, rape and historic sexual offences.
  3. Tuckers Solicitors
    Tuckers Solicitors
    2025 | Band 1 | 1 Years Ranked
    Tuckers Solicitors is a well-known criminal defence firm, with offices in Leicester and Nottingham. The team is adept at handling a wide range of criminal cases on both a public and privately funded basis, with expertise in everything from theft, harassment and driving offences through to fraud, assault and sexual offences.

Band 2

  1. Bhatia Best Solicitors
    2025 | Band 2
  2. The Johnson Partnership
    2025 | Band 2
  3. The Smith Partnership
    2025 | Band 2
  4. VHS Fletchers Solicitors
    2025 | Band 2