Ranking tables

Capital Markets | Latin America


This sections focuses mainly on transactional work involving capital markets instruments such as Debt & Equity securities; Derivatives; Securitisation; Structured finance (CDOs, repackagings, other synthetic products). Lawyers may represent either issuers (both sovereign and corporate) and/or underwriters, as well as placement agents and broker dealers in public and private placements. Unlike in banking & finance, there is no in-built advantage for firms that exclusively or predominantly represent the financial institution. Investment Fund work, such as fund formation and structuring is highly relevant to this section, except in the case of Brazil where it is a separate section. Firms may also report regulatory securities work but in the main, this is given less weight than transactional work.

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Brigard Urrutia
    Brigard Urrutia
    Capital Markets
    2025 | Band 1 | 8 Years Ranked

    Brigard Urrutia is a front-running Colombian full-service firm presenting an established capital markets practice. The department possesses an impressive track record covering a wide range of mandates, such as sovereign bond offerings, securitisation and the drafting of key derivatives agreements. Brigard Urrutia is also highly active assisting clients with fund formation and structuring. The law firm frequently caters to Colombian and international financial institutions acting as underwriters and corporate issuers.

  2. Gómez-Pinzón
    Capital Markets
    2025 | Band 1 | 8 Years Ranked

    Gómez-Pinzón offers a prestigious practice that is often instructed by significant underwriters and major Colombian companies as issuers due to its remarkable reputation in capital markets mandates. The team works on both the transactional and regulatory sides, with its lawyers being especially well regarded for their focused work acting on complex debt issuances, such as ordinary and sustainability bonds. Gómez-Pinzón's work includes assisting Colombian and international financial institutions with notable securitisation, derivatives and liability management transactions.


Band 2

  1. Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría
    Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría
    Capital Markets
    2025 | Band 2 | 8 Years Ranked
    Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría is a notable full-service law firm that boasts a solid reputation in capital markets, and is particularly recognised for providing counsel to initial purchasers and underwriters on bond offerings in Colombia. The department offers noteworthy expertise dealing with private placements. Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría possesses further experience assisting its clientele with structuring high-value securitisation transactions.
  2. Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico
    Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico
    Capital Markets
    2025 | Band 2 | 6 Years Ranked

    Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico is an established Colombian boutique firm that is widely regarded for its key work assisting clientele with capital markets mandates, and is often sought out to advise on regulatory compliance considerations and securities regulations. The practice group is also experienced assisting clientele with matters of fund structuring and formation. Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico is frequently retained by multinational investment banks and management companies.


Band 3

  1. Baker McKenzie S.A.S.
    Baker McKenzie S.A.S.
    Capital Markets
    2025 | Band 3 | 2 Years Ranked
    Baker McKenzie is a distinguished multi-practice international firm with a reputable capital markets practice in Colombia. The team has expertise in advising issuers on bond offerings and note issuances, and it offers additional expertise in regulatory securities matters. Baker McKenzie assists a range of clients, from first entrants to major corporations and investment banks.
  2. Garrigues
    Capital Markets
    2025 | Band 3 | 1 Years Ranked

    Garrigues enters this year's rankings after market commentators highlight its notable capital markets team in Colombia. The legal department can claim expertise in the issuance of notes and sustainable bonds, as well as securitisations. The firm is also adept at providing regulatory advice and assisting with private equity fund structuring. Garrigues boasts an array of clients, including investment banks and major corporations.

  3. Posse Herrera Ruiz
    Posse Herrera Ruiz
    Capital Markets
    2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years Ranked

    Posse Herrera Ruiz presents an important and established capital markets practice in Colombia. The team is often retained by a high-profile clientele to act on both regulatory and transactional mandates, and it has particular expertise advising on high-value bond issuances and public tender offers. Posse Herrera Ruiz is active in fund formation and structuring, as well as in fund-raising activities.