Ranking tables
Arbitrators | Global
Rankings overview for Individuals
Senior Statespeople
- Andrzej Szlęzak Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak25 Years Ranked
- Maciej Łaszczuk Łaszczuk & Partners11 Years Ranked
- Andrzej SzumańskiJagiellonian University
- Tomasz WardyńskiWardyński & Partners
- Wojciech PopiołekADP Popiołek Adwokaci & Doradcy
Band 1
- Bartosz Krużewski Clifford Chance21 Years Ranked
- Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz GESSEL24 Years Ranked
- Cezary Wisniewski Linklaters20 Years Ranked
- Justyna Szpara Łaszczuk & Partners10 Years Ranked
- Maciej JamkaDWF Poland
- Michał KocurKocur & Partners
Band 2
- Paweł Pietkiewicz GREENBERG TRAURIG Nowakowska-Zimoch Wysokiński sp.k.21 Years Ranked
- Piotr Machnikowski Dentons8 Years Ranked
- Piotr Nowaczyk Law offices - Piotr Nowaczyk19 Years Ranked
- Rafał Morek CMS11 Years Ranked
- Małgorzata Surdek-JanickaSURDEK ARBITRATION
- Przemysław DrapałaJDP Drapała & Partners
- Rafał KosKubas Kos Gałkowski
Band 3
- Eligiusz Krześniak Squire Patton Boggs Krześniak sp.k.1 Years Ranked
- Krystyna Szczepanowska-Kozłowska A&O Shearman, A. Pedzich Sp. k.15 Years Ranked
- Marek Jeżewski Eversheds Sutherland Poland5 Years Ranked
- Michał Jochemczak Dentons11 Years Ranked
- Marek FurtekAndersen Poland
- Monika HartungWardyński & Partners
- Violetta WysokWYSOK Kancelaria Radcowska
Up and Coming
- Filip BalcerzakSSW
- Maciej DurbasKubas Kos Gałkowski
All Individuals profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Andrzej SzlęzakSołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak | Arbitrators2025 | Senior Statespeople | 25 Years RankedAndrzej Szlęzak upholds his strong reputation as an arbitrator in Poland as well as internationally.
S Maciej ŁaszczukŁaszczuk & Partners | Arbitrators2025 | Senior Statespeople | 11 Years RankedMaciej Łaszczuk is very proficient in acting as an arbitrator.
- Wojciech PopiołekADP Popiołek Adwokaci & Doradcy | Arbitrators2025 | Senior Statespeople
Band 1
1 Bartosz KrużewskiClifford Chance | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 21 Years RankedBartosz Krużewski is held in high regard for his expertise in handling construction arbitration. He also has extensive experience in investment arbitration, and he is also active as both an arbitrator and arbitration counsel.
1 Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel KaliszGESSEL | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 24 Years RankedBeata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz is a top-ranked arbitrator who has experience in commercial arbitration proceedings in the Polish arbitral institutions as well as under ICC rules. She has further experience in UNCITRAL proceedings.
1 Cezary WisniewskiLinklaters | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 20 Years RankedCezary Wisniewski is a highly regarded arbitrator and arbitration counsel in the Polish disputes market. He advises clients in investment arbitration and has experience handling international arbitration.
1 Justyna SzparaŁaszczuk & Partners | Arbitrators2025 | Band 1 | 10 Years RankedJustyna Szpara is highly adept at representing clients in international commercial arbitration proceedings as counsel.
Band 2
2 Paweł PietkiewiczGREENBERG TRAURIG Nowakowska-Zimoch Wysokiński sp.k. | Arbitrators2025 | Band 2 | 21 Years RankedPaweł Pietkiewicz has an experience acting as presiding arbitrator in construction disputes.
2 Piotr MachnikowskiDentons | Arbitrators2025 | Band 2 | 8 Years RankedPiotr Machnikowski is recognised in Warsaw's legal market as a highly respected arbitrator and also acts as arbitration counsel. He acts on arbitration proceedings under ICC rules and also construction disputes.
2 Piotr NowaczykLaw offices - Piotr Nowaczyk | Arbitrators2025 | Band 2 | 19 Years RankedPiotr Nowaczyk is a well-regarded arbitrator who acts in both international and domestic arbitrations.
2 Rafał MorekCMS | Arbitrators2025 | Band 2 | 11 Years RankedRafał Morek acts as arbitration counsel, including in international investment arbitrations and sports arbitrations. He is further noted for his experience acting as an arbitrator.
Band 3
3 Eligiusz KrześniakSquire Patton Boggs Krześniak sp.k. | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 1 Years RankedEligiusz Krześniak is highlighted for his experience presiding in arbitrations under CAS, as well as in proceedings in the Polish arbitral institutions.
3 Krystyna Szczepanowska-KozłowskaA&O Shearman, A. Pedzich Sp. k. | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedKrystyna Szczepanowska-Kozłowska is well recognised for her academic work and activity as an arbitrator.
3 Marek JeżewskiEversheds Sutherland Poland | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 5 Years RankedMarek Jeżewski focuses on international arbitration, regularly representing companies against national states as well as acting in commercial arbitration cases. He also represents clients in cases before the European Commission and the CJEU regarding state aid.
3 Michał JochemczakDentons | Arbitrators2025 | Band 3 | 11 Years RankedMichał Jochemczak is regularly instructed on ICC and LCIA arbitration proceedings, frequently in the construction and real estate sectors. He is also a well-regarded arbitrator.