Practice Areas
TODD FRIEDBACHER helps clients manage the risk of doing business across borders by leveraging the powerful market access and enforcement tools provided by the World Trade Organization (WTO) treaty and the hundreds of other bilateral and regional trade agreements in place worldwide. Putting these tools to work, Todd has helped clients successfully address critical trade and regulatory barriers impacting their ability to move, sell and protect goods, services and intellectual property across borders.
Todd co-founded the firm’s Geneva office in 2002, and serves both as the Managing Partner of the office and as a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. He is a recognized leader in international trade and WTO law, having represented clients in more than 60 WTO disputes, involving more than 100 distinct WTO dispute settlement proceedings in his 30 years of practice. In that role, he has represented commercial stakeholders and governments, complainants, respondents and third parties in all phases of WTO dispute settlement, including pre-dispute consultations and formulation of litigation strategies, original and compliance proceedings before WTO panels and the Appellate Body, and retaliation proceedings before WTO arbitrators. His experience spans disputes under virtually all of the WTO agreements, concerning cross-border trade in goods and services, tax and regulatory measures, intellectual property, government procurement, sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, agriculture, customs valuation, anti-dumping and subsidies.