Kim & Chang (1996-Present);
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (2002-2003);
International Finance Department, Ssangyong Investment Securities Co., Ltd. (1995-1996);
Arthur Andersen Co., Seoul (Anjin Accounting Corporation) (1992-1995).
Transfer Pricing and Customs Valuation - A Korean Perspective, International Transfer Pricing Journal Vol.28 No.4 (Co-author, IBFD, 2021);
Getting the Deal Through – Transfer Pricing: Korea Chapter (Co-author, Law Business Research, 2018); Asian Voices: BEPS and Beyond – Korean Chapter (Co-author, IBFD, 2017);
Guide to International Transfer Pricing: Law, Tax Planning and Compliance Strategies – Korea Chapter (Co-author, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2014);
Transfer Pricing in Korea for the Tax Treatment of Transfer Pricing (Co-author, IBFD, 2008);
“Thin Capitalization: South Korea,” Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin Vol.11 No.5 (Co-author, IBFD, 2005);
Transfer Pricing in Korea: the APA Experience, Asia Transfer Pricing (Co-author, International Tax Review, 2004);
“Advance Pricing Approvals,” Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin Vol.9 No.7 (Co-author, IBFD, 2003).
School of Business Administration, University of Washington, Seattle (Master of Professional Accounting specialized in Tax, 2002);
Dongguk University (B.S., Accounting, 1989).