Kim & Chang (2019-Present);
Council Member, Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration (2024.9.-Present);
President, Korean Council for International Arbitration (KOCIA) (2024.4.-Present);
Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law (2022-Present);
Member, KCAB INTERNATIONAL Women’s Interest Committee (2021-Present);
Court Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration (2021.7.-2024.6.);
Member, International Arbitration Committee, KCAB INTERNATIONAL (2021-Present);
Vice-Chair, IBA Arbitration Committee (2021-2022);
Co-Chair, Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Committee, IPBA (2020.6.-2024.4.);
Vice President, KOCIA (2018.3.-2024.3.);
Member, Legal Advisory Board to the Ministry of Justice (2015-Present);
Board Member, KOCIA (2012-2018);
Board Member, International Association of Korean Lawyers (2012-Present);
Advisor, Advisory Board on Investor State Dispute, Ministry of Justice (2011-Present);
Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (2008-Present);
Yulchon LLC (2005-2019);
Lee & Ko (2001-2005);
Judge, Suwon, Daejeon, Seoul, and Seoul Southern District Courts (1994-2001).
Duke Law School (LL.M., 2007);
Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (1994);
Seoul National University (LL.B., 1991).