Author of over 90 publications on civil and commercial law and arbitration, including System Prawa Prywatnego [Private Law System], vol. 5, 6 and 7 (Prawo zobowiązań – część ogólna, Prawo zobowiązań – część szczegółowa [Obligations law – general part, Obligations law – specific part] C.H. Beck, 2006–2020); co-author together with judges of the Supreme Court of a commentary to the Civil Code (Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Zobowiązania – część szczegółowa [Civil Code. Commentary. Obligations – specific part]), J. Gudowski (ed.), Wolters Kluwer, 2013–2017); author of monographs “Umowy odnoszące się do osób trzecich” [Contracts relating to third parties] (C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2016); “Prowadzenie cudzych spraw bez zlecenia” [Negotiorum gestio] (C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2010), “Przejęcie długu, przejęcie praw i obowiązków z umowy” [Take-over of debt and rights and obligations under an agreemen] (C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2016)
Work Highlights
Selected court proceedings
-representing a general contractor in court proceedings against a contracting authority concerning a claim for remuneration and damage redress in connection with construction of the National Stadium in Warsaw (value of dispute: over PLN 139 million, names of litigants published in mass media);
-representing a general contractor in court proceedings against an employer regarding an amendment to an agreement, increase of remuneration and extension of a time for completion in connection with construction of a national road section (value of dispute: over PLN 325 million);
-representing a general contractor in court proceedings initiated by a contracting authority regarding payment of a contractual penalty with respect to two public utility projects (value of dispute: over PLN 200 million);
Selected proceedings before the Supreme Court
-drafting a cassation appeal and legal representation of one of general contractors before the Supreme Court in proceedings concerning the Białystok city stadium (value of dispute: over PLN 134 million);
-drafting a cassation appeal and legal representation of a general contractor before the Supreme Court regarding payment of a contractual penalty by a public contracting authority (value of dispute: over PLN 47 million);
-drafting a reply to a cassation appeal and legal representation of a leading construction company in proceedings before the Supreme Court concerning the repealing of the ICC International Court of Arbitration’s award (value of dispute: over PLN 30 million);
Selected arbitration proceedings
- legal representation of a Polish manufacturer in arbitration proceedings before the National Chamber of Commerce concerning claims under a vehicle delivery contract (value of dispute: over PLN 104 million);
- legal representation of a Polish general contractor in proceedings before the ICC against an investor in connection with construction of a national road section (value of dispute: over PLN 30 million); the outcome was that common courts and the Supreme Court dismissed the complaint to repeal an award of the ICC International Court of Arbitration;
-legal representation of a Polish general contractor in proceedings before the ICC against an investor in connection with an infrastructure in Poland (value of dispute: over PLN 22 million); successful representation in proceedings before common courts regarding the repealing of an award of ICC International Court of Arbitration;
Experience as an arbitrator
- acting as the presiding arbitrator in international arbitration proceedings before the ICC between a group of German companies and a group of Austrian companies regarding breach of share deal agreements;
-acting as the sole arbitrator in arbitration proceedings before Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit between a Polish company and a German company regarding breach of a sale and purchase agreement;
-acting as an arbitrator in ad hoc arbitration proceedings managed by the National Chamber of Commerce between a Polish contractor and a public contracting authority regarding an energy project (value of dispute: almost PLN 400 million);
Selected experience in legal advice
-advising a consortium on construction of ERTMS/GSM-R infrastructure on railway lines across Poland; contracting authority: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (project value: PLN 2.8 billion);
- advising a general contractor performing a key railway project in Łódź, contracting authority: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (project value: over PLN 1.6 billion);
- advising a general contractor constructing a section of the Gdańsk South Bypass; contracting authority: General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) (project value: over PLN 1.1 billion).
The Legal 500 2018 - 2023 - Leading Individual in Poland in Construction, Top Tier
The Legal 500
Chambers Europe 2019 - 2024 – Leading Individual in Construction
Chambers & Partners
Chambers Europe 2018 - 2024 – Dispute Resolution - Leading Individual, Most in Demand Arbitrators
Chambers & Partners
Chambers Global 2018 - 2024 – Dispute Resolution - Leading Individual, Most in Demand Arbitrators
Chambers & Partners
Adviser of the Year (2021, 2019) - “Infrastructure and Construction Diamonds” competition
Executive Club
Double scholarship (2002, 2007)
Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg