Practice Areas
Pru is regularly instructed to act on behalf of parents and carers, interveners, local authorities and children, both through their Guardians and directly on behalf of competent children, at all stages of public law proceedings. This representation often includes the drafting of documents including case summaries, threshold documents, skeleton arguments and written advices in preparation of hearings.
Pru enjoys a wide and varied practice. She has acted for local authorities and respondents in cases involving complex issues such as death of a child, non-accidental injuries to children, sexual abuse, physical abuse, chronic neglect, fabricated and induced illness, deprivation of liberty safeguards, issues of mental capacity involving the instruction of the Official Solicitor, forced marriages and adoption.
Pru acts for parents and Children’s Guardians appointed under Rule 16.4 at all stages of private law proceedings. She has acted for parties both alleging and disputing serious allegations of physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
Pru is instructed to represent applicants and respondents in relation to applications for Child Arrangement Orders, Non-molestation orders, Prohibited Steps Orders and Enforcement Orders. She has experience of applications in relation to internal and international relocation, abduction, intractable contact disputes, parents with mental health issues and cases resulting in a change of residence.
Pru is well respected for her meticulous preparation and detailed understanding of each case and the relevant legal principles which ensures that she is able to provide professional and competent advice and representation.