Patricia is a professor of undergraduate, master’s and doctorate degrees in Regulatory Law at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law in Rio de Janeiro (FGV Direito Rio) and is a researcher at the Center for Research in Law and Economics (CPDE/FGV Direito Rio). She was a “Distinguished Visiting Professor” at George Mason University – Antonin Scalia Law School (2024).
Patricia has published several books and scientific articles on infrastructure regulatory law and is one of the coordinators of the Regulation Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Competition, Consumer and International Trade Studies (Ibrac).
SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro. Regulation and competition: the role of CADE in infrastructure sectors. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2013.
SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro. Competition law and obligation to settle. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2009.
SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro; DAYCHOUM, Mariam. Regulation and competition in the railway sector. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Iuris, 2017.
STRINGHINI, Adriano; ARAGÃO, Alexandre Santos de; SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro. Administrative servitude and sharing of infrastructure: regulation and competition. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2005.
BARBOSA, Fernando de Holanda; GUERRA, Sergio; SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro. Financial equilibrium in infrastructure projects and the flexible IRR. Rio de Janeiro: FGV Projetos, 2019.
SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro; SAMPAIO, Rômulo Silveira da Rocha. The challenges of regulating water and sanitation tariffs under a three-level shared-authority federalism model: The case of Brazil. Utilities Policy, v. 64, 2020.
SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro; DAYCHOUM, Mariam. Two decades of rail regulatory reform in Brazil (1996-2016). Utilities Policy, 2017.
PINHEIRO, Armando Castelar; PORTO, Antonio José Maristrello; SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro (org.). Law and economics: dialogues. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2019.
PINHEIRO, Armando Castelar; PORTO, Antonio José Maristrello; SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina Pinheiro (org.). Topics in law and economics. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Iuris, 2021.