Lawyer with experience in advising on labor, pension and social security law to public and private companies and State institutions; as well as in sponsorship in judicial processes. She has been a consultant for the Gender and Employment Program of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Academy of the Magistracy; as well as undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at various universities. She is president of the Peruvian Society of Labor and Social Security Law.
Monica's experience includes counseling public and private companies and government entities on labor law, pension rights and social security law. She has also worked on sponsorship in labor, constitutional, administrative contentious and arbitral proceedings, and on labor and social security matters.
"La legitimidad para obrar de las organizaciones sindicales en la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo". (Legitimity of trade unions in the New Procedural Labor Law), at Estudios sobre la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo. Lima: Jurista editores. Pp. 277 – 290. 2011.
"Las obligaciones laborales derivadas de la voluntad unilateral del empleador". (Labor obligations derived from unilateral employer will) at: Estudios de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Hommage book to Javier Neves Mujica. Lima: Grijley. 2009. pp. 143–156.
"El cese colectivo por razones estructurales y la descentralización de las actividades de la empresa. ¿Es posible reducir unilateralmente la planilla cuando no existen dificultades económicas" (Collective stop–payment due to structural reasons and descentralization of company’s activities? Is it possible to reduce unilaterally the payroll when there are not economic difficulties?) at: Actualidad Jurídica. Gaceta Jurídica. Volume 164. July 2007.
La solicitud del empleador para que el trabajador ponga el cargo a disposición, ¿puede ser considerada una renuncia? (Employer's request to employees to tender their resignation, could this be considered a resignation? at: Actualidad Jurídica. Gaceta Jurídica. Volume 158. January 2007.
Las modificaciones al Reglamento de la Ley de Relaciones Colectivas de Trabajo. Como resolver observaciones a la ley sin cambiarla. (Amendments to Regulations of Law of Collective Labor Relations. How to solve observations to law without changing it) At: Actualidad Jurídica. Gaceta Jurídica. Volume 153. August 2006.
La Remuneración en El Peru. Análisis Jurídico Laboral (Remuneration in Peru, Labor Judicial Analysis) Lima: Estudio Gonzalez & Asociados S.C. 2006. pp 237.
El cáracter remunerativo de los pagos recibidos cuando no existe prestación efectiva de servicios: el caso de los despidos nulos (Remunerative nature of payments received when there is no effective provision of services), at: II National Congress of the Peruvian Society of Labor and Social Security Law. Lima: SPTSS. 2006. pp 745 – 760.
El teletrabajo en el Perú: ¿es necesaria una regulación especial? (Teleworking in Peru. Is it necessary a special regulation?). At: Actualidad Jurídica. Gaceta Jurídica. Volume 146. January 2006.
Partner at Estudio Echecopar Law firm since 2015.
Principal Associate at Estudio Echecopar Law firm since 2013.
Senior Associate at Estudio Echecopar Law firm, 2012 – 2013.
Associate at Estudio Gonzalez y Asociados Law firm, 2002 – 2012.