Author of articles on arbitration matters.
Participation as arbitrator in the last 4 editions of the "International Arbitration Competition" moot organized by the University of Buenos Aires and University of Rosario. (2017 to 2020)
Teaching Assistant of "Evidence Assessment" Course of the Second Specialty of Procedural Law at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (2020)
Speaker of the module What is the regulation of the emergency arbitrator in Peru? at the "Current Perspectives and Reflections Arbitration Congress" organized by Forseti, association formed by students from Universidad del Pacifico (November 2020)
Speaker at the event "The Public Procurement Law in Debate" organized by the Faculty of Law of Universidad del Pacifico and the Editorial Fund of Universidad del Pacifico (November, 2020)
Speaker on the topic "Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards" at the I National Congress of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, organized by "Amachaq Escuela Juridica", (November 2020)
Speaker on the topic "Claims for damages under the Civil Code and the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods" at the I Congress of Interdisciplinary Legal Training organized by Santa Maria Catholic University. (October, 2020)
Speaker on the topic "Annulment of arbitration awards" at the Arbitration Seminar organized by La Libertad Bar Association (September 2020)
Teacher of the module on the enforcement of arbitration awards of the I Virtual Arbitration Course organized by Peruvian Young Arbitrators (September, 2020)
Speaker at the "National and International Arbitration" discussion organized by Athena Grupo Juridico (August, 2020)
Speaker of the ICC YAF panel on arbitrator challenges at the I Virtual Congress of Arbitration, Supply and Construction organized by Asociacion Zambrano.
Speaker at the event "Women in Arbitration" organized by Enfoca Derecho (May 2020)
Speaker at the event "Young people and the future of arbitration" organized by the Peruvian Institute of Arbitration (May 2020)
Moderator of the panel "To suspend or not to suspend? Between the alternative and the need" organized by Peruvian Young Arbitrators (May 2020)
Speaker at the "IV Course on Public Procurement Law and Arbitration" organized by Derecho & Sociedad, association of students of the Faculty of Law Universidad Catolica del Peru (October 2019)
Professor of the Specialization Diploma in Arbitration by the Graduate School of ESAN University. (October, 2019)
Speaker at the "VI National Arbitration Congress" organized by Arbitra Peru and the Ministry of Justice of Peru (October, 2019)
Speaker at the “Young Arbitration Session” event organized by Arbitral Women, ICC YAF, Peruvian Young Arbitrators and Arbitration 360, within the framework of ICC Arbitration Day (September, 2019)
Speaker at the event "I National Arbitration Congress" organized by the National University of Trujillo and the Chamber of Commerce of La Libertad (September, 2019).
Speaker at the event “Dominate the scenario: litigation strategies arbitration” organized by Advocatus, Law Review edited by students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lima. (June, 2019)
Speaker at the I Congress "Young people and the future of arbitration" organized by the Peruvian Arbitration Institute (March, 2019)
Assistant Professor of Litigation Strategy and Oral Litigation Seminar at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (2012)
Assistant Professor of Law in Civil Procedure at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. (2011)
Participation in arbitrations related to electrical issues.
Participation in arbitrations related to concessions of telecommunications services, airports, public cleaning.
Participation in arbitration related to civil matters for clients in the industrial sector.
Participation in arbitration linked to the exercise of Right of First Refusal.
Participation in arbitrations related to commercial issues, with application of the Vienna Convention for the International Sale of Goods for clients of the hydrocarbon sector.
Participation in arbitrations related to the execution of private works.
Participation in arbitrations under the Public Procurement Law.
Participation in various processes related to challenges and enforcement of awards; thus in processes of recognition of foreign awards.
Participation in various contentious administrative processes for clients from various sectors.
Secretary in Ad Hoc Arbitrations.