
Provided by Lucie Audibert


Practice Areas

Lucie delivers advisory and contentious work at the intersection of data protection, human rights law, public law, and digital/technology regulation. She works across all of AWO’s practice areas, with particular expertise in supporting vulnerable individuals to exercise their rights and seek redress against government and corporate actors.


Prior to AWO, Lucie was a Senior Legal Officer at global NGO Privacy International, where she brought strategic legal challenges at the intersection of technology and human rights. She secured ICO enforcement action against the UK government’s policy of GPS tagging migrants, led third-party interventions in the High Court and at the European Court of Human Rights in challenges to Mobile Phone Extraction in policing and immigration control, and successfully challenged a number of FOI refusals leading to high-profile disclosures. Lucie also led legal advocacy on major EU regulatory initiatives such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act or Artificial Intelligence Act.

Lucie also has extensive expertise in Intellectual Property advice and litigation, having trained and worked as an associate in a major international firm specialised in the innovative industries.


« Au Royaume-Uni, des étrangers sous surveillance GPS » [‘Migrants under GPS surveillance in the UK’], Plein Droit 2024/1 (no 140), 27 https://droit.cairn.info/revue-plein-droit-2024-1-page-27?lang=fr

‘Ban racist and lethal AI from Europe’s borders’, Op-ed for Al Jazeera (20 April 2023) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/4/20/ban-racist-and-lethal-ai-from-europes-borders

'Warnungen aus Großbritannien – Zunehmende Überwachung von Migrant*innen' ['Warnings from Great Britain – Increasing surveillance of migrants'], Bürgerrechte & Polizei, Cilip 131 (March 2023) https://www.cilip.de/2023/04/02/warnungen-aus-grossbritannien-zunehmende-ueberwachung-von-migrantinnen/

‘From GPS tagging to facial recognition smartwatches: expanding the surveillance of migrants in the UK’, Institute of Race Relations (October 2022) https://irr.org.uk/article/from-gps-tagging-to-facial-recognition-watches-expanding-the-surveillance-of-migrants-in-the-uk/

‘UK’s anti-migrant Hostile Environment policy dehumanises us all’, Op-ed for Al Jazeera with Brian

Dikoff and Rudy Schulkind (14 June 2022) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/6/14/uks-anti-migrant-hostile-environment-policy-dehumanises-us-all

« Les technologies de reconnaissance faciale menacent la notion de vie privée en ligne et hors ligne » ['Facial recognition technologies threaten the very notion of privacy online and offline'], Op-ed for Le Monde (6 January 2022) lemonde.fr/idees/article/2022/01/06/les-technologies-de-reconnaissance-faciale-menacent-la-notion-de-vie-privee-en-ligne-et-hors-ligne_6108360_3232.html

‘A Principled Approach to Network Neutrality’ (2016) 13(2) SCRIPTed, A Journal of Law, Technology & Society 118 https://script-ed.org/article/a-principled-approach-to-network-neutrality/

‘Computer Program Functionality and Copyright’, Computers & Law (August/September 2016)

Languages Spoken

English, French, Spanish


McGill University

Bachelor of Commerce

2011 - 2014

London School of Economics


2014 - 2017

University of Oxford

MSc International Human Rights Law

2023 - 2025

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