UK Bar
Practice Areas
Jonathan’s practice is diverse, with a particular focus upon public procurement, public law including human rights, judicial review, commercial litigation, product liability and consumer law. Acts for claimants and defendants in all areas.
Member of the Attorney General’s A Panel. Public procurement work includes defence and security cases and JR claims (e.g. defending two Good Law Project challenges to awards of Covid PPE contracts). Judicial review practice concerns decisions made by a variety of bodies, from local authorities and the SSHD to the HSE and FSA. Recently advised department as to the compliance of proposed legislation with the Human Rights Act 1998.
Notable cases include Supreme Court decision in claim brought against FSA (2018 and [2021] UKSC 54). CA decision on late service of JR claim form ([2022] 1 WLR 2339). Statutory appeals in CA ([2021] EWCA Civ 1830). High profile consumer cases for the CMA (ranging from technology to travel cases). Successful intervention in writing in 2022 in CA in a consumer case under Consumer Rights Act 2015.
Qualified as a solicitor at a magic circle firm in 2005. Judicial assistant to the CA in 2006. Specialist public law lawyer overseeing public law appeals in CA in 2006-2007. Called 2007. C Panel 2013. B Panel 2018. A Panel 2022.
Professional Memberships
ALBA; Procurement Lawyers’ Association; COMBAR.
Published in leading academic journals (LQR; MLR; PL etc). Writes regularly for Lexis PSL on public procurement and judicial review. Contributes to PLC on consumer credit.