Practice Areas
John Mill is a trusted advisor and counselor to general contractors, homebuilders, real estate developers, municipalities and other project owners in complex construction law matters. He helps clients draft and negotiate construction contracts, resolve disputes including construction defect claims, and implement strategies to avoid litigation. John's over 30 years of experience includes:
Contracts: Drafted and negotiated over $900 million of construction contracts since 2017 for condominium, apartment, infrastructure and other projects.
Construction defect claims: Brought or defended over 15 large, complex condominium construction defect claims.
Mechanics' liens: Assisted clients to assert, bond around or resolve mechanics' liens.
Mediation: Used mediation in many cases to efficiently resolve disputes.
Litigation: Won one-week trial over alleged construction issues at condominium project and represented clients in other litigation and arbitration matters.
Sherman & Howard L.L.C., 1992-2020
Mill Construction Law LLC, 2020-present
J.D., University of Illinois College of Law, 1991
John Mill has climbed Denali, Orizaba, Mt. Rainier and all 54 Colorado Fourteeners