Practice Areas
Dr. Johannes Koepp specialises in international arbitration, both commercial and investor-state. He has represented clients before most major arbitral institutions, as well as in ad hoc proceedings and is particularly experienced in multijurisdictional disputes arising out of energy, joint ventures, telecommunications and financial services.
Dr. Koepp also advises on public international law issues and the litigation of international disputes in State courts. He has particular experience in the fields of jurisdiction, conflict of laws and international judicial cooperation.
Prior to joining a private practice, Dr. Koepp worked as a research fellow at the University of Geneva for two years. He completed his doctoral thesis, which analyzed and compared various third-party procedures in the field of international dispute settlement. He taught law at universities in Switzerland, Germany and Spain.
Professional Memberships
Dr. Koepp serves as arbitrator, both as sole and party-appointed arbitrator, and is included on the roster of several major arbitral institutions.
Qualified Solicitor, England & Wales
Second State Exam, Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, 2002 (with distinction)
Dr. iur., University of Hamburg, Germany, 2001 (magna cum laude)
Master of Laws, Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999 (with mention)
First State Exam, University of Hamburg, Germany, 1998 (with distinction)
Fluent in English, German, French and Spanish