Partner, VILTOFT, 2009-
Attorney, VILTOFT, 2000-2009
Admitted to the Supreme Court, 2000
Attorney, Philip & Partnere, 1997-1999
Admitted to the High Court, 1995
Admitted to the Danish Bar, 1995
Assistant attorney and attorney, Kammeradvokaten, 1992-1996
Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Copenhagen, 1992
Co-author (with Michael Gjedde-Nielsen et al.) of "ABR 18: General Conditions for Consulting Services", Karnov Group, 1st edition, 2021.
Author of an article about procurement rules and the selection of construction client in social housing (Udbudsreglerne og valg af bygherre til alment nybyggeri) in Tidsskrift for Bygge- og Boligret, 2004, page 287.
For construction clients:
call for tenders, contracting and regular advice in relation to a new municipal administration centre in Vordingborg (public-private partnership)
arbitration concerning cobblestone paving of a road in Stevns Municipality
call for tenders, contracting and regular advice in relation to renovation of the Hoejbjerg Vaenge social housing estate in Herlev
arbitration, expert appraisal and regular advice in relation to the Arctic Ring and the flamingo enclosure in Copenhagen Zoo
litigation concerning public-sector client’s liability in connection with a fire in the Jyllingehallerne sports facility during municipal ESCO renovation
For consultants:
assistance regarding the preparation of tender for the lead consultancy contract in relation to the construction of a new Storstroem Bridge
negotiations on redesign, additional fees and the division of joint venture in relation to the New Odense University Hospital (OUH)
fee negotiation in relation to extended construction period for a new acute care hospital in Goedstrup (DNV)
arbitral proceedings concerning consultant liability in relation to the construction of a motorway around Silkeborg
litigation and mediation concerning actionable errors committed by a Danish architectural firm in relation to the design of a school and a national swimming pool facility in Bergen, Norway
arbitral proceedings concerning consultant liability in relation to Novo Nordisk headquarters settled during the exchange of pleadings
expert appraisal concerning protection of an educational facility in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen against torrential downpours
For contractors:
regular advice to the cost-plus contractor in charge of the construction of a Facebook data centre in Odense, particularly concerning contracting and dispute resolution
litigation on behalf of a lead contractor in a case concerning structural design errors in three building projects in Carlsberg City
regular advice and preparation of final account for airside building at Copenhagen Airport, settled through negotiation
arbitral proceedings concerning termination of surfacing contract in relation to commercial building project in Albertslund