Practice Areas
Gavin specialises in advising and representing businesses and professionals with a particular focus on: fraud and money laundering; bribery and corruption; and, regulatory compliance.
Gavin has substantial experience across a range of allied disciplines including:
• Financial and other Serious Crime (recent matters include SFO investigations; private prosecutions; and, proceedings brought by the Information Commissioner and Pensions Regulator)
• Financial and Trade Sanctions (recent work includes designations under the Russia and Belarus regimes) and Export Controls (Russia, China, Iran and Israel)
• Proceeds of Crime (including AML and ABC systems and controls; SARs and DAMLs; and, Account Freezing and Forfeiture applications)
• Extradition (recent work includes requests from Germany, Spain, UAE, Peru and South Africa)
• Professional Conduct and Discipline (regularly appearing: on behalf of registrants in healthcare proceedings brought by the GMC and GDC; at Coroner’s Inquests; and, before the SRA, BSB and CLC)
Gavin routinely advises organisations and individuals on crisis management and self-reporting responsibilities.
Professional Memberships
Private Prosecutors’ Association
Bar of England and Wales
Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers
Health and Safety Lawyers’ Association
Defence Extradition Lawyers’ Forum
European Criminal Bar Association
European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers
South Eastern Circuit