
Provided by KLA Advogados

KLA will complete 20 years of existence in 2022, with a vast track-record in its portfolio of companies in the educational sector, KLA’s Education group assists several companies in the sector with a multidisciplinary team, allowing us to assist our clients in different matters such as regulatory, corporate, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, civil litigation, tax, labor and intellectual property, franchise, among other matters. Our clients are engaged in several segments of the educational business, including universities (higher education), elementary schools, corporate and non-regulated courses.


We have a long-standing relationship with Ânima Educação, which we have been working with for more than 15 years. Ânima provided us a great experience on this sector, we have worked in the biggest education transactions of the Brazilian market, most of the involving sensitive and billionaires transactions, good examples are: i) the acquisition of Laureate Group for BRL4,4 billion, through a go shop procedure; ii) the negotiation of a joint venture with Telefônica focused on the development and offer of short term professional educational courses on a digital platform (web and/or mobile), among other matters.
















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Andre Maruch

Carla Fernandes

Guilherme Moita

Henrique Lopes

Juliana Nunes

Karin Alvo

Laura Cossi

Maine Bubach

Marcelo Laplane

Mariana Cortez

Head of Department

Patricia Braga

Rodrigo Lima

Tiago Cortez

Tomaz Matheus


Provided by KLA Advogados



Educação e Neurociência treinamento Ltda.


Ânima Educação


Provided by KLA Advogados
