
Provided by JunHe LLP

JunHe was one of the first domestic law firms to be approved to advise on securities and capital markets and has placed this practice area at the core of the firm’s growth and development. Throughout the years, JunHe has helped companies from diverse industries, countries and business stages to raise capital and achieve their corporate goals. Our clients benefit from our extensive knowledge of the legal framework and the practical realities of raising capital in China and overseas.


Key Practice Areas

  • Pre-IPO reorganization and restructuring
  • Share issuance
  • M&A and restructuring of listed companies
  • Private equity investments
  • Issuance and listing of bonds and other securities
  • New Third Board (OTCBB) listings
  • General corporate affairs of listed companies


Recent Major Deals

  • Advised CSI Solar on its STAR Market Listing
  • Advised Legend Capital on its secondary offering of ADSs in Atour
  • Advised on Africa’s First Ever Panda Bond Offering
  • Advised GreatChem on its SZSE ChiNext Market IPO
  • Advised Xintai Natural Gas on its taking AAG Energy Private
  • Advised SGOI on its offering of Panda Bonds
  • Advised Yuexiu Property on its Filing in Hong Kong after the Release of the New Filing Rules
  • Advised 4Paradigm on its Listing on the HKEx

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Capital Markets: Hong Kong and Overseas Issuances - China

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

JunHe LLP is a prominent practice with a sizeable team of securities and corporate law practitioners, a few of whom are former members of the CSRC Listing Review & Examination Committee. It is best known for its expertise in Hong Kong and US-related offerings while attracting admirable levels of A-share listing work, with a particularly healthy roster of domestic clients in the healthcare sector and construction industry. The team remains a counsel of choice for technology sector IPOs. The firm is sought out by underwriters and issuers in respect of listings, bonds and preferred shares matters. Clients also benefit from its offices in New York and Silicon Valley.


君合律师事务所的业务表现突出,拥有庞大的证券和公司法团队, 其中多位曾担任中国证监会发行审核委员会委员。其在各类香港和美国相关发行的专业能力最为著名,同时吸引到了相当体量的A股上市业务,尤其在医疗健康行业和建设工程产业拥有发展势头良好的客户群。该团队持续成为服务科技领域IPO的律所之选。该律所在上市、 债券和优先股领域受到承销商和发行人的追捧。客户还受益于他们设在纽约和硅谷的办公室。

Work Highlights

Provided by JunHe LLP

  • JunHe advised CSI Solar on its IPO and listing on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  • JunHe acted for JP Morgan and UBS on the GDR issuance and listing of Will Semiconductor Shanghai on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

  • 君合律师事务所为摩根大通和瑞银集团就韦尔半导体在瑞士证券交易所发行GDR并上市提供法律服务。

  • 君合律师事务所为阿特斯阳光电力集团股份有限公司在上海证券交易所科创板上市提供法律服务。


Provided by Chambers

Notable Practitioners

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Chunyang Shao
Chunyang Shao
Senior Statespeople
Shao Chunyang is a towering and venerable figure in capital markets, particularly known for his ECM work. He has considerable experience advising on Shanghai and Hong Kong-related offerings. He heads JunHe's Shanghai office.

He is really hard-working and I have a lot of respect for him.



Tiejun Shi
Tiejun Shi
Head of Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (PRC Firms)
Eminent Practitioners

Shi Tiejun has a longstanding presence and a well-deserved reputation when it comes to bond and equity issuances, specialising in A-share listings including those on the STAR Market. He ably advises corporates on spin-off listings.

Yi Wang
Yi Wang
Band 2
Wang Yi has extensive experience handling domestic and overseas listings as well as bond issuances. He chairs the capital markets department at JunHe.

Wang Yi and his team always deliver innovative thoughts and solve legal questions with a business mindset.



Yongqiang Yu
Yongqiang Yu
Band 2
Yu Yongqiang is well regarded for his ability to handle complex issuance mandates on domestic and overseas markets. Market commentators highlight his skill in debt capital markets matters.

Yu Yongqiang is very capable in capital markets, M&A and private equity venture capital investments.



Chenliang Li
Chenliang Li
Band 4
Li Chenliang is a key player in the capital markets practice at the firm's Shanghai base and is regularly mandated on Hong Kong listings. He has notable skills in acting for clients from the technology and healthcare sectors.

Ranked Lawyers at

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Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (PRC Firms)

Chunyang Shao
Chunyang Shao
Senior Statespeople
Tiejun Shi
Tiejun Shi
Head of Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (PRC Firms)
Eminent Practitioners
Yi Wang
Yi Wang
Band 2
Yongqiang Yu
Yongqiang Yu
Band 2
Chenliang Li
Chenliang Li
Band 4


Provided by JunHe LLP

Chenliang Li

Chenliang Li

Head of Department

Huiqing Qu

Jianwei Zhang

Joe Wan

Shiming Shang

Tao Zhang

Tiejun Shi

Tiejun Shi

Head of Department

Wei Wei

Wenjun Jiang

Xingzhong Zhang

Xudong Tao

Xunan Chen

Yan Chen

Yi You

Yijin Hu

Yisong Yi

Zhi Li

Zhong Wang

Zongzhen Zhang