
Provided by Balera, Berbel & Mitne Advogados

Social Security Credit

  • The firm develop expertise, techniques, and tools to identify and recover, safely and quickly, its social security contributions eventually collected beyond the due amount, thus customizing the operation according to client's profile.
  • Payroll - The quality of each opportunity and the method of recovery are based on the management criteria adopted by client's company. Thus, the firm obtain a detailed and specific scenario of contingencies and opportunities unique, always bringing the ideal solution model.
  • RAT/SAT - Using tools specifically developed for this project, the firm enable the simulation of several organizational scenarios of the company, generating alternatives for better management of the contribution.


Social Security Liabilities

  • Management of social security risk (GRP) - The firm has developed a multidisciplinary project that identifies all the social security risks borne by the company, including liabilities for social security contributions and those resulting from occupational accidents, then presenting intelligent, customized, and coordinated solutions to cure or manage those risks
  • Inspections - The firm has developed a procedure to handle social security inspections, conducting them in a way to reduce the impact of a possible violation notice or, at least, allow a more adequate defense.



Ranked Lawyers at
Balera, Berbel & Mitne Advogados

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Social Security

Wagner Balera
Wagner Balera
Eminent Practitioners
Fábio Lopes Vilela Berbel
Fábio Lopes Vilela Berbel
Band 2


Provided by Balera, Berbel & Mitne Advogados