Chambers Germany
About the Chambers Germany Guide 2025
Chambers Germany is our new guide that allows us to research Europe's largest economy even more comprehensively. The guide offers broader coverage of practice areas and a detailed insight into the best legal talent in this market and is the most comprehensive ranking of the best law firms and lawyers in Germany.
Our legal rankings are unparalleled in accuracy, depth, and quality, conducted by our dedicated team of independent German-speaking researchers. This ensures that our outcomes are trusted and credible globally. Discover the best law firms and lawyers in Germany, with Chambers.
For more details on our methodology and insights into our submission process and how your firm can rank in the Chambers Germany guide, visit the methodology page.
Chambers Germany Guide 2025: Summary
The Chambers Germany guide and legal rankings cover 46 practice areas at nationwide level. These ranking tables help in identifying the best practice law firms and lawyers working across the German legal market.
Rankings at a regional level are based upon the location in which a law firm or lawyer practices regardless of where their clients are located across Germany or globally, or where their deals and cases take place.
Unique Ranked Firms
German law firms who have been ranked in Band 1 for their departments have demonstrated the highest quality in their Technical legal ability, Professional conduct and Client service. Discover which firms have achieved Band 1 rankings below.
To view a list of the best law firms in the Germany, please click here.
Top Ranked Lawyers in Germany
Lawyer Rankings
The data presented below showcases the leading firms who have seen 10+ of their team ranked in the guide.
To view a full list of the best lawyers in the Germany, please click here.
Chambers Germany 2026 - Registration and Research
We provide you with resources to optimise your submissions for when submissions are open, as well as our submission kit containing a checklist and advice for meaningful and successful submissions here.
Keep up to date with all of your relevant submission deadlines throughout the year and get personalised submission reminders in your calendar here.
By having our researchers spend several months in carefully analysing and researching each submitting German law firm and conducting several thousands of hours of interviews with referees, our rankings offer the most in-depth and comprehensive coverage of each law firm for those looking to find a lawyer or law firm in Germany for legal advice and work.
How does Chambers Germany's analysis of the legal market help law firm clients?
Chambers’ best in class research teams assess lawyers and law firms across Germany, conducting thousands of one-on-one interviews per year with in-house counsel and third-party experts. The quality of our people ensures the highest accuracy in all that we do.
By providing independent and impartial intelligence and market insight, Chambers supports and enables decision makers to secure the talent that's right for them, while saving time and mitigating risk.
Latest legal news: Chambers Germany
New areas for submissions in Chambers Germany 2026
Discover the new Chambers Germany available tables in 2026 research and the submission deadlines to rank in the next guide.
Competition Law in the Tech sector
Analysis of German Competition Authority's tech sector enforcement, including Microsoft's designation and Meta's data case, amid rising US-EU regulatory tensions.
Visit our FAQ page to learn more about schedules, submissions, and new developments in Chambers Germany. We will regularly update our FAQ section with more information in the coming months.
Meet the Chambers Legal Research Team
If your practice area isn't listed, please get in touch with Alexandra Rinner or another member of the team who will be able to direct your query.
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