Labormatters Abogados
Website: www.labormatters.com
Tel: +34 913 535 030 | +34 913 535 020
Fax: +34 911 038 036
Managing Partner: Alfredo Aspra Rodríguez
Number of partners: 5
Number of lawyers: 27 plus 5 partners
Languages: Spanish, English, German and French
Firm Overview:
Labormatters Abogados is a firm of lawyers specialising in all branches of employment law, Social Security, occupational health & safety and pension plans. Its advice has been provided by some of its professionals for more than 30 years in matters of significant business importance within the labour law sector. The firm specialises in labour law, social security, pension funds and occupational risk prevention, with specialists not only in the different industries or sectors, but also in the different disciplines of the labour field.
Main Areas of Practice:
The firm provides advisory services in all aspects related to any of the questions that may arise throughout the unfolding of any employment relation, through a dynamic contact and always guaranteeing technical excellence together with a strategic vision of the business.
Its lawyers offer ongoing labour-law advisory services in all aspects related to the evolution of the employment relation, inter alia: hiring, modification of work conditions, geographical mobility and/or function mobility, litigation, remuneration and compensation systems, special covenants and/or clauses (e.g., non-compete, golden parachute, etc.), review or preparation of company policies or protocols, occupational-risk prevention, outsourcing, complementary social welfare, etc.
Likewise, Labormatters Abogados focuses on operations and projects that involve a high level of difficulty and complexity by virtue of their special relevance and strong legal, economic or corporate transcendence, meaning such operations and projects require a specialised approach that combines deep knowledge from a legal and negotiating perspective together with a great strategic vision and creative focus. To that end, these are some of its specialisation areas, inter alia:
• Ongoing Advisory Services
• Litigation
• Employment Relations: Collective Employment Law
• Restructuring and Collective Dismissals
• Outsourcing and Insourcing
• M&A
• Equality, Diversity and Work-Life Balance
• Remote Work and New Technologies
• Remuneration and Compensation
• Corporate Policies and Codes of Ethics
• Working Time and Time Tracking
• Obligations in terms of Non-financial Information
• Top Executives
• Complementary Social Welfare
• Employment Audits
• International Mobility
• Legal Reports and/or Opinions
• International and EC Law
• Training
• Data Protection, Information Security and Corporate Control
• Occupational Safety and Health
• Social Security
Labormatters Abogados offers its services through several offices located in Madrid, Valencia and Seville, as well as at an international level, through its exclusive network of prestigious collaborators pertaining to reputed international law firms who can guarantee the highest standards of quality and legal excellence.
Labormatters Abogados gives legal advice on all aspects of Human Resources advice and labour relations for companies. These are just a few examples:
Ongoing Advisory Services:
The firm provides its employment law assistance services in a recurring manner regarding all matters and aspects related to the evolution and the difficulties inherent to employment relations, based on a technical-legal analysis of the specific aspects arisen, and, at the same time, offering solutions for immediate decision-making, offering, for such purposes, realistic, efficient and innovative recommendations.
Specialised legal representation in all areas of litigation on employment law and Social Security, whether in individual or collective procedures, before labour courts, before administrative courts, or before any relevant administration body as a prior step to litigation.
Traditional Employment Relations: Collective Employment Law:
Its lawyers have long experience in all types of collective employment law, both regarding aspects that are more traditional and those that are more complex and sophisticated. This includes providing advisory services and representing clients of all sizes in virtually all industries regarding active involvement, negotiation, and drafting of collective bargaining agreements (sector agreements, corporate agreements, and company group agreements), extra-statutory agreements or covenants, advisory on matters related to trade unions, and the right to strike.
Restructuring & Collective Dismissals:
The firm helps its clients plan and implement collective lay-off, restructuring procedures and/or sizing procedures of all types, offering comprehensive advisory services on employment law, undertaking the responsibility, the coordination and the leadership of all stages of the project, that is, planning, design, and drafting of the legal documentation, negotiation with the other party (representatives of the employees and trade unions), assistance in the development of a social plan, and implementation and execution of measures.
Remote Work & New Technologies:
Specialised advisory services including analysing, revising, drafting, and implementing remote work policies and regulating protocols, the use of new technologies in the provision of professional services, and digital disconnection in order to guarantee its advancement in terms of efficacy, efficiency and flexibility in corporate management.
International & Community Law:
Given the relevance, the impact, and the binding nature that certain decisions adopted or issued by international and/or European bodies have on employment law in Spain (international agreements, regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations, court rulings, etc.) Labormatters Abogados team is in charge of analysing the application and construction of international and Community employment law to each specific case, as well as the impact thereof on the country. For example, in terms of European workers committees, Community collective bargaining, Social Security, etc.
Head Office:
Madrid, Spain
Lagasca, 16
28001 Madrid
Phone: +34 913 535 030
Fax: +34 911 038 036
Email: [email protected]
This content is provided by Labormatters Abogados. Learn more about our methodology
Email: [email protected]