Office Profile

18 St John Street

Manchester Office

Current View

UK Bar


Provided by 18 St John Street

Head of Chambers: Richard Chapman KC

Chambers Director: James Parks

Senior Personal Injury, Clinincal Negligence and Costs Clerk: Katie Brown

Business & Property Clerk: Katie Brown

Senior Criminal Clerk: James Hotchin

Senior Family Clerk: Camille Scott

Chambers Manager: Emma Bowie

Senior Fees Clerk: Stuart Howard-Cofield

Tenants: 87

THE CHAMBERS 18 St John Street Chambers is one of the longest established and most well regarded sets of Chambers on the Northern Circuit. Its barristers have been delivering the highest standards of advice and advocacy to clients for almost 50 years, combining the highest standards and traditions of the independent Bar with a modern and forward looking approach.

Chambers offers skilled practitioners of all ranges of seniority in each of their core departments — civil, personal injury, business and property, criminal, family law (including family finance), and tax. The strength and depth of each department is recognised by both professional and lay clients — as well as by its opponents. Chambers has a well-deserved reputation as a leading set — both in Manchester, on Northern Circuit, and nationally. Members appear in courts and tribunals across the whole of the United Kingdom.

CHAMBERS ETHOS The interests of its clients are at the heart of everything 18 St John Street Chambers does. Chambers approaches each case with firm and focused professionalism which ensures that clients receive the best advice and service available. Its clerking teams have knowledge of their practice areas. Clients receive an efficient and effective service from the first moment they contact Chambers. Every barrister provides an expert approach to cases by offering realistic advice, innovative solutions and incisive and effective advocacy.

MEMBERS Barristers from 18 St John St Chambers are highly sought after and frequently appear in the most complex and high profile cases in Manchester, elsewhere in the North of England, and nationally. Members are instructed at all levels of work by regional and national solicitors, business and public sector organisations, prosecuting authorities and agencies as well local and regional councils. They appear in all court arenas including the Court of Appeal, the Upper Tribunal, the Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice.

In recent years Chambers has expanded in every department, always ensuring that we recruit the highest quality applicants with a recognised expertise in their field of practice. The profile of Chambers continues to grow with members who have recently been appointed KC and who have been appointed as District and Circuit Judges. 18 St John St Chambers continues to have a large number of members who hold part-time appointments sitting in the Civil, Business and Property, and Family Courts, the First-tier Tribunal (Tax and Property Chambers), the Employment Tribunal, the Agricultural Land Tribunal for Wales, and the Residential Property Tribunal for Wales.

WORK UNDERTAKEN In addition to all traditional services, 18 St John Street Chambers offers a fully accredited arbitration and mediation team, a direct access team and a full programme of training, seminars and advice sessions, including the acclaimed ‘Ask 18’ initiative. Members are frequently asked to provide specialist talks to professional bodies illustrating the level of recognised expertise. Chambers was at the forefront of the introduction of remote working on the Northern Circuit and nationally. Chambers has state of the art conference, mediation and remote conferencing facilities.


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UK - Head office
18 St John Street, Manchester, Lancashire, UK, M3 4EA


Email: [email protected]

Tel: (0161) 278 1800