How Healthy is Venture Capital Investment in Brazil?
Sérgio Meirelles, a partner at Campos Thomaz & Meirelles Advogados, chats to Gustavo Palhares, an entrepreneur in the healthcare sector, about what is "hot" in terms of venture capital investment in Brazil.
Gustavo Palhares
Entrepreneur Gustavo Palhares is the founder and CEO of Ease Labs, a pharmaceutical company that has recently registered and launched the first cannabis-based healthcare products in Brazil. Gustavo is well placed to comment on VC investment in the local market, having used venture capital to fund his own business. He chats to Sérgio Meirelles of Campos Thomaz & Meirelles Advogados about what VC investors in Brazil currently regard as "hot", how the market in Brazil differs from more established markets, such as in the US, what investors expect in return for their investment, and the many opportunities for investment in Latin America.
Campos Thomaz & Meirelles Advogados