Ranking tables
Technology, Media, Telecoms (TMT) | Asia-Pacific
New Zealand
Rankings overview for Departments
Senior Statespeople
Eminent Practitioners
Band 1
- Simon Martin Hudson Gavin Martin15 Years Ranked
- Tom Maasland MinterEllisonRuddWatts11 Years Ranked
- Philip WoodBuddle Findlay
Band 2
- Hayley Miller Dentons New Zealand11 Years Ranked
- Karen Ngan Simpson Grierson15 Years Ranked
- Allan YeomanBuddle Findlay
- Amy RyburnBuddle Findlay
- Dean OppenhuisBell Gully
- Malcolm WebbM Webb Ltd
Band 3
- Anchali Anandanayagam Hudson Gavin Martin9 Years Ranked
- Edwin Lim Hudson Gavin Martin15 Years Ranked
- Jane Parker MinterEllisonRuddWatts8 Years Ranked
- John McCay MinterEllisonRuddWatts15 Years Ranked
- Liz Blythe Russell McVeagh5 Years Ranked
- Corin MaberlyHamilton Locke
- Tania GoatleyBell Gully
- Tim ShermanChapman Tripp
Band 4
- Graeme Crombie Lane Neave15 Years Ranked
- Joe Edwards Russell McVeagh4 Years Ranked
- Richard Wells MinterEllisonRuddWatts11 Years Ranked
- Allison FergusonWilson Harle
- Laura LittlewoodBell Gully
- Michael MoyesDuncan Cotterill
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Hudson Gavin MartinTechnology, Media, Telecoms (TMT)2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedHudson Gavin Martin is a boutique firm specialising in technology, media and IP. The team advises on a broad range of matters, including commercial and corporate transactions involving TMT-related assets, as well as dispute resolution and regulatory compliance. It is particularly renowned for its technology practice and boasts an impressive clientele spanning multinational corporations, SMEs and startups. The team covers the full spectrum of technology-related advice, including outsourcing, content licensing and compliance issues. Hudson Gavin Martin assists with technology infrastructure projects as well as advising on the licensing and commercialisation of technology.
1 MinterEllisonRuddWattsTechnology, Media, Telecoms (TMT)2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedMinterEllisonRuddWatts offers expertise across all aspects of TMT, including both regulatory and commercial advice. It handles a broad variety of work from cloud computing and e-commerce issues to joint ventures and broadcasting procurement in the media and entertainment space. Also, the team is able to offer expertise across telecommunications regulations, including advice on legislation reviews, pricing and competition issues. MinterEllisonRuddWatts advises a strong roster of high-end domestic and international clients from the technology, banking, entertainment and energy sectors, among others. It has significant experience in public sector work, advising a number of government bodies.
Band 2
2 Simpson GriersonTechnology, Media, Telecoms (TMT)2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedSimpson Grierson advises public and private sector clients on major IT and telecommunications projects, including outsourcing, procurement and network development. It has further expertise in the technology aspects of major transport and infrastructure projects, as well as in media issues such as privacy, censorship and defamation. The team handles the creation and distribution of media content, with specialist capability in privacy and data protection. Simpson Grierson is well placed to guide clients through the implementation of new technology systems, including advising on the associated regulatory developments. The team has also shown capabilities in defending government institutions in court litigation.
Band 3
3 Dentons New ZealandTechnology, Media, Telecoms (TMT)2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedDentons is noted for its specialist expertise, which includes advising on public and private sector procurement, as well as data protection and e-commerce matters. It also acts for major IT companies and startups on corporate mandates such as capital raisings. The law firm boasts capabilities in cloud contracting and software licencing. The team is knowledgeable on privacy laws and advises on the compliance aspects of new projects and technologies. It retains an impressive client roster of mobile app companies, banks and multinational internet service providers. The firm has notable expertise in cross-border work, advising clients looking to expand their technology operations in New Zealand as well as domestic companies operating abroad.
3 Russell McVeaghTechnology, Media, Telecoms (TMT)2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedRussell McVeagh advises high-end clients on a range of contentious and non-contentious IT matters, covering regulatory issues, commercial transactions and litigation. The team is particularly well versed in data privacy and protection, cloud computing, outsourcing and insourcing, and also advises on the implementation and commercialisation of new technology. The firm is increasingly active in IP, cyber risk and software licensing. Russell McVeagh acts for a range of clients in the energy, retail and media sectors, and possesses notable experience acting on behalf of government agencies and other public bodies..