Ranking tables
Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas | Asia-Pacific
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
Eminent Practitioners
Band 1
- Peter Jarosek Corrs Chambers Westgarth15 Years Ranked
- Robert Merrick Herbert Smith Freehills15 Years Ranked
- Peter RoseJohnson Winter Slattery
Band 2
Band 3
- Christopher Flynn Gilbert + Tobin2 Years Ranked
- Darren Murphy Jones Day14 Years Ranked
- Igor Bogdanich Allens15 Years Ranked
- Tracey Greenaway Corrs Chambers Westgarth2 Years Ranked
- James BruiningGrondal Bruining
- Peter SmithJohnson Winter Slattery
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Angus JonesA&O Shearman | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Senior Statespeople | 15 Years RankedAngus Jones stands out for his impressive track record of advising on oil and gas projects across Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe. He operates in a consultant role from the Perth office.S Stuart BarrymoreHerbert Smith Freehills | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Senior Statespeople | 15 Years RankedStuart Barrymore is based in Perth and enjoys a strong reputation in the market for his oil and gas-related expertise. He advises across gas sales, transportation, pipeline developments and transactional matters, and is particularly noted for his experience with LNG projects.Key sectorsEnergy and Utilities
Eminent Practitioners
E Emma CovacevichClayton Utz | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Eminent Practitioners | 9 Years RankedEmma Covacevich is based in Brisbane and enjoys a high reputation in the market for her extensive experience in the oil and gas industry. She advises across a comprehensive range of issues, including M&A transactions, gas transportation and sale agreements, the development and operation of projects, and a variety of regulatory, exploration and licensing questions.
Band 1
1 Peter JarosekCorrs Chambers Westgarth | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedPeter Jarosek is based in Perth and maintains a highly respected practice, largely focused on advising clients on aspects of major oil and gas projects, including contractual arrangements and gas processing and transportation agreements.1 Robert MerrickHerbert Smith Freehills | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedRobert Merrick is based in Perth and has an impressive track record of advising large oil and gas companies on asset acquisitions, divestments and project development issues.Key sectorsEnergy and Utilities|Government and Public Sector|Property, Construction and Infrastructure|Resources and Mining- Peter RoseJohnson Winter Slattery | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 1
Band 2
2 Craig RogersKing & Wood Mallesons | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 2 | 12 Years RankedCraig Rogers is based in Brisbane and maintains a broad practice, encompassing energy infrastructure projects, financing, acquisitions and purchase agreements. In addition, he boasts expertise in oil and gas-related issues.2 Peter VaughanKing & Wood Mallesons | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 2 | 14 Years RankedPeter Vaughan is based in Perth and draws upon deep experience in the sector to advise clients on the development of large LNG and carbon capture projects, including joint venture, service and tolling agreements, as well as procurement and regulatory issues.
Band 3
3 Christopher FlynnGilbert + Tobin | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 3 | 2 Years RankedChris Flynn offers a wealth of experience in project advisory work, with a specific emphasis on large oil and gas projects.3 Darren MurphyJones Day | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 3 | 14 Years RankedDarren Murphy is based in Melbourne and has considerable experience advising on oil and gas-related transactional mandates across a number of jurisdictions, both within Australia and across the Asia-Pacific region.3 Igor BogdanichAllens | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedIgor Bogdanich is based in Perth and is respected for his extensive experience advising on large M&A transactions and projects in the mining and gas sectors.3 Tracey GreenawayCorrs Chambers Westgarth | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 3 | 2 Years RankedTracey Greenaway works in Corrs Chambers Westgarth's Perth office. She frequently advises large oil and gas companies on day-to-day matters, M&A transactions and issues related to their project development process, including compliance, contracts and disputes, with a particular focus on renewables projects.- Peter SmithJohnson Winter Slattery | Energy & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas2025 | Band 3