Ranking tables
Dispute Resolution | Global
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
- Arias, Fábrega & Fábrega 5 Years Ranked
- Britton & Iglesias - BRIG
Band 3
- Alfaro, Ferrer & Ramírez
- Infante & Pérez Almillano
- Patton Moreno & Asvat (PANAMA)
Senior Statespeople
- Jorge Federico Lee Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee19 Years Ranked
- Jaime MoraArias, Aleman & Mora
- Simon TejeiraMorgan & Morgan
Band 1
- Diego Alonso de la Guardia Porras Galindo, Arias & López15 Years Ranked
- Selva Del Carmen Quintero Marrone Galindo, Arias & López8 Years Ranked
- Jorge Molina MendozaFABREGA MOLINO
- Jose CarrizoMorgan & Morgan
Band 2
- Cristina LópezLOVILL
- David M Mizrachi FidanqueMDU Legal
- Eric BrittonBritton & Iglesias - BRIG
Band 3
- Claudio De Castro Arias, Fábrega & Fábrega9 Years Ranked
- Eduardo Gómez Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee11 Years Ranked
- Fernando Aued Arias, Fábrega & Fábrega9 Years Ranked
- Eduardo GuevaraGuevara Legal Bureau
- Evans GonzalezEVANS GROUP
- Luis VallarinoMorgan & Morgan
Band 4
- Jaime Castillo Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee2 Years Ranked
- Héctor Enrique Vidal DelgadoInfante & Pérez Almillano
- Jorge Nuñez FloresInfante & Pérez Almillano
- Katherine AparicioAlfaro, Ferrer & Ramírez
- Khatiya AsvatPatton Moreno & Asvat (PANAMA)
- Marisol EllisIcaza, González-Ruiz & Alemán
- Mayte SánchezMorgan & Morgan
- Omar RodríguezMorgan & Morgan
Up and Coming
- Diego MaximinPinto & Villarreal
- Joaquin De ObarrioPatton Moreno & Asvat (PANAMA)
- Ricardo ArosemenaCedeño y Mendez
Associates to watch
- Christopher GlasscockLOVILL
- Orlando TejeiraMorgan & Morgan
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & LeeDispute Resolution2025 | Band 1 | 5 Years RankedAlemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee presents an extensive track record in high-profile cases in Panama. The team is often seen representing clients in all areas of litigation, encompassing administrative, civil and commercial claims, as well as labour law and international arbitration proceedings. The department boasts significant expertise advising clients on disputes relating to concession contracts, insurance policies and a range of regulatory matters, in addition to contentious insolvency issues. The firm's client portfolio features an array of major companies hailing from the TMT, banking and construction industries.
1 Galindo, Arias & LópezDispute Resolution2025 | Band 1 | 5 Years RankedGalindo, Arias & López comprises a pre-eminent dispute resolution team offering a multifaceted and well-established practice in Panama. The noted bench of stellar practitioners is particularly adept at advising on complex international arbitration proceedings pertaining to the construction sector. The department handles high-profile administrative and judicial litigation with experience advising on asset recovery and contractual disputes. The team is also well placed to assist clients with criminal proceedings, in addition to environmental damage claims.
Band 2
2 Arias, Fábrega & FábregaDispute Resolution2025 | Band 2 | 5 Years RankedArias, Fábrega & Fábrega houses a well-regarded practice with a wealth of experience across a broad spectrum of disputes in Panama. The team is routinely instructed by multinationals on account of its expertise in civil, commercial and administrative claims. The department boasts particular strength in shareholder, real estate and insolvency cases. The firm is also well placed to assist clients with local and international arbitration proceedings, particularly those under ICC rulings. The noted bench of practitioners is retained by an impressive client roster, including major companies from the finance, energy and construction industries.