Ranking tables
Corporate/M&A | Global
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
- Assegaf Hamzah & Partners
- Ginting & Reksodiputro in association with A&O Shearman
- Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners
- Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung in association with Herbert Smith Freehills
Band 2
- ABNR Counsellors at Law
- SSEK Law Firm
- Widyawan & Partners (in association with Linklaters)
Band 3
- Oentoeng Suria & Partners in association with Ashurst 14 Years Ranked
- Walalangi & Partners 6 Years Ranked
- Adnan Kelana Haryanto & Hermanto
- Makarim & Taira S.
- Makes & Partners
- TnP Law Firm
Band 4
- Dentons HPRP 8 Years Ranked
- Hogan Lovells DNFP 3 Years Ranked
- Adrem Law Firm
- AGI Legal in association with Allen & Gledhill LLP
- Fikry Gunawan
- GHP Law Firm
- PwC Legal Indonesia
- Soemadipradja & Taher
Band 5
- IABF Law Firm 3 Years Ranked
- TNB & Partners in association with Norton Rose Fulbright Australia 3 Years Ranked
- Bagus Enrico & Partners
- Markus Sajogo & Associates
- Santoso, Martinus & Muliawan Advocates
Senior Statespeople
- Ahmad Fikri AssegafAssegaf Hamzah & Partners
Eminent Practitioners
- Yozua MakesMakes & Partners
Band 1
- Bono AdjiAssegaf Hamzah & Partners
- Harun A ReksodiputroGinting & Reksodiputro in association with A&O Shearman
- Sugianto OsmanGinting & Reksodiputro in association with A&O Shearman
Band 2
- Andy Kelana Adnan Kelana Haryanto & Hermanto19 Years Ranked
- Emir NurmansyahABNR Counsellors at Law
- Ira A EddymurthySSEK Law Firm
- Mita N DjajadiredjaHadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners
Band 3
- Luky I. Walalangi Walalangi & Partners7 Years Ranked
- Ratih Nawangsari Oentoeng Suria & Partners in association with Ashurst9 Years Ranked
- Agus Ahadi DeradjatABNR Counsellors at Law
- Daniel PardedeHadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners
- Dede FikryFikry Gunawan
- Eko BasyuniAssegaf Hamzah & Partners
- Sakurayuki .Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung in association with Herbert Smith Freehills
Band 4
- Dion Alfadya Oentoeng Suria & Partners in association with Ashurst2 Years Ranked
- Dewi Savitri ReniSSEK Law Firm
- Giffy PardedeAGI Legal in association with Allen & Gledhill LLP
- Indra AllenPwC Legal Indonesia
- Nathaniel MangunsongAdrem Law Firm
- Pramudya OktavinandaUMBRA
- Teguh ArwikoWidyawan & Partners (in association with Linklaters)
- Tunggul UtomoAssegaf Hamzah & Partners
- Vincent Ariesta LieMakarim & Taira S.
- Yolanda HutapeaWidyawan & Partners (in association with Linklaters)
Band 5
- Erline Herrmann Adnan Kelana Haryanto & Hermanto2 Years Ranked
- Ivan F. Baely IABF Law Firm2 Years Ranked
- Miriam Andreta Walalangi & Partners3 Years Ranked
- Mochamad Kasmali Hogan Lovells DNFP8 Years Ranked
- Fransisca .Makes & Partners
- Mita KartohadiprodjoAssegaf Hamzah & Partners
Up and Coming
- Abimata PutraHiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung in association with Herbert Smith Freehills
- Alvin Saptamandra SuryohadiprojoKARNA
- Bintang HidayantoGHP Law Firm
- Elvino MartinusSantoso, Martinus & Muliawan Advocates
- Melissa ButarbutarTnP Law Firm
Associates to watch
- Tengku Almira AdlinisaWidyawan & Partners (in association with Linklaters)
All Departments profiles
Band 1
- Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung in association with Herbert Smith FreehillsCorporate/M&A2025 | Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
3 Oentoeng Suria & Partners in association with AshurstCorporate/M&A2025 | Band 3 | 14 Years RankedOentoeng Suria & Partners offers an accomplished legal practice with expertise in corporate restructuring, joint ventures, M&A and inbound investment into Indonesia, as well as venture capital deals. The group is notable for its substantial cross-border capabilities gained through its association with Ashurst and continues to receive instruction from high-profile clients, particularly in the energy, natural resources and infrastructure sectors, as well as technology.
3 Walalangi & PartnersCorporate/M&A2025 | Band 3 | 6 Years RankedWalalangi & Partners' team of lawyers is particularly well-placed to serve Japanese clients on M&A and joint venture deals in Indonesia through its association with Nishimura & Asahi, while also acting for other regional clients. The team handles acquisitions and corporate restructurings in sectors including finance, TMT and real estate.
Band 4
4 Dentons HPRPCorporate/M&A2025 | Band 4 | 8 Years RankedDentons HPRP's legal team in Jakarta caters to a sizeable roster of leading domestic and regional clients from a range of sectors, such as infrastructure, technology, manufacturing and transportation. The practice encompasses a broad selection of matters including acquisitions, divestments and regulatory issues. The firm offers cross-border services through its international network.
4 Hogan Lovells DNFPCorporate/M&A2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedHogan Lovells DNFP has an established corporate legal practice in Indonesia, offering expertise in M&A transactions. The team is well-equipped to handle cross-border mandates, including in the energy, automotive, technology and natural resources sectors.
Band 5
5 IABF Law FirmCorporate/M&A2025 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedThe corporate legal team at IABF Law Firm regularly advises on a range of M&A and corporate restructuring work in Indonesia. The firm handles transactions across a range of industries including real estate, TMT and energy. The firm's clientele includes state-owned entities.5 TNB & Partners in association with Norton Rose Fulbright AustraliaCorporate/M&A2025 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedTNB & Partners has an active corporate law team in Indonesia, adept at handling M&A, joint venture and venture capital deals for a range of clients. The team is noted for handling cross-border transactions and local corporate matters, leveraging its association with the Norton Rose Fulbright network.