Ranking tables

Competition/Antitrust | Europe


The below Competition/Antitrust rankings table provides market-leading insights on the top ranked lawyers and law firms whose advice and legal services can be purchased in Estonia. The rankings are the result of extensive research by our internal research team, who conduct interviews with in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers who have worked alongside them. Use our table and ranking system to identify the most suited provider of legal services for you.

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Band 1

    2024 | Band 1 | 36 Years Ranked
    COBALT maintains its position as one of the best firms in Estonia for competition law matters. The law firm has notable experience in merger clearance proceedings and behavioural investigations, as well as standing out for its ability to advise clients on state aid matters. The team is particularly popular with clients from the energy sector.
  2. Sorainen
    2024 | Band 1 | 34 Years Ranked
    Sorainen remains a market-leading firm in the area of Estonian competition law. The team boasts a broad practice that covers merger clearance filings, behavioural investigations and state aid mandates. In addition to assisting clients with investigations, the law firm offers notable experience in challenges to authority decisions and follow-on damages actions. It has a number of clients from the energy sector.

Band 2

  1. Eversheds Sutherland Ots & Co
    Eversheds Sutherland Ots & Co
    2024 | Band 2 | 34 Years Ranked
    Eversheds Sutherland has a broad competition law practice, with a particular focus on state aid matters and merger clearance filings. In addition, the team represents clients in investigations into possible anti-competitive behaviour. It also frequently assists clients with competition law compliance mandates, including in relation to distribution agreements and the exchange of information. The law firm attracts clients from the public sector, as well as from the energy and retail industries.
  2. Eversheds Sutherland Ots & Co
    Eversheds Sutherland Ots & Co
    2024 | Band 2 | 34 Years Ranked
    Eversheds Sutherland has a broad competition law practice, with a particular focus on state aid matters and merger clearance filings. In addition, the team represents clients in investigations into possible anti-competitive behaviour. It also frequently assists clients with competition law compliance mandates, including in relation to distribution agreements and the exchange of information. The law firm attracts clients from the public sector, as well as from the energy and retail industries.
  3. TGS Baltic
    TGS Baltic
    2024 | Band 2 | 26 Years Ranked
    TGS Baltic often assists clients with obtaining competition law approval for proposed corporate transactions and collaborations. In addition, the law firm represents clients in contentious and non-contentious state aid mandates. It also offers experience in damages actions. The team acts for a number of dominant private companies, as well as public sector clients.
  4. Ellex Raidla
    2024 | Band 2

Band 3

    2024 | Band 3