Robert A. Willner is a Shareholder in the firm’s Commercial Finance Practice Group and Chair of the Leveraged ESOP Finance Practice Group. Robert provides practical, business oriented, legal advice to his clients on how to best structure, document, and manage their commercial lending transactions. Robert’s practice covers a broad spectrum of middle-market, senior and second lien lending, including asset-based lending, cash flow lending, leveraged ESOP finance, lender finance, fund finance (including capital call and subscription facilities, and NAV and hybrid loans), FCC License finance, unitranche finance, acquisition finance, dividend recaps, aircraft finance, tech finance, healthcare finance, cross-border transactions (Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia), equipment leasing, debtor-in-possession financing, trade finance, and factoring. In addition, Robert also handles problem loan workouts and restructurings, liquidations and foreclosures. His clients include commercial banks, alternative lenders, commercial finance companies, equipment leasing companies, factors, and other financial institutions.