Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 5

Private Wealth Law

London (Firms)

4 Years Ranked


Provided by Patrick Malone

High Net Worth

Practice Areas

I advise clients on the full spectrum of private client issues including tax, succession planning, estate administration and probate, trusts and mental capacity.

My clients are UK and non-UK domiciled individuals (e.g. entrepreneurs, landowners and trustees), ranging from moderately well off to ultra-high net worth, who I advise on all aspects of UK taxation, with particular emphasis on Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax, in the context of succession planning and specific deals and events.

I regularly work closely with other specialist lawyers, including those based in foreign jurisdictions (particularly the US, France, Spain, and the Republic of Ireland), to provide clients with seamless advice on domicile and residence issues, UK tax compliance and reporting, succession planning, capacity, trusts and international estates.

I advise on the creation, re-arrangement and UK tax implications of Trusts and other holding structures where families, business owners and trustees are looking to protect assets, save tax and create flexible structures which will last for generations.

I am well versed in administering a range of multi-jurisdictional taxable estates including those which comprise agricultural and business property. A particular interest is administering estates with a contentious element; I have acted for independent administrators appointed pursuant to a Court Order on multiple occasions. I also assist our contentious trusts and estates team and provide private client planning and technical support on high value, complex, contested estates and trusts.


1. February 2020 – To present

Partner – Wills, Trusts and Estates Team

Weightmans LLP (formerly RadcliffesLeBrasseur LLP)

London Office

2. March 2018 – February 2020

Senior Associate – Tax and Private Client Team

RadcliffesLeBrasseur LLP (now Weightmans LLP)

London Office

3. May 2014 – March 2018

Associate Solicitor – Private Client Team

Russell-Cooke LLP

London Office

4. September 2012 – May 2014

Solicitor – Tax, Trusts and Estates

Shakespeare Legal LLP (now Shakespeare Martineau LLP)

Leicester Office

5. September 2010 – September 2012

Trainee Solicitor

Harvey Ingram LLP (now Shakespeare Martineau LLP)

Leicester and Birmingham Offices

Professional Memberships

• Full Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

• Affiliate Member of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS).

• Member of the London Irish Business Society.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers


Private Wealth Law - London (Firms)

Band 5
Individual Editorial
Patrick Malone advises his high net worth clients on structuring, asset planning, probate, succession and estates.


Provided by Chambers

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