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Band 3
Provided by Ondřej Trubač
Tax Law (procedural, criminal) / Administrative Law / Criminal liability of legal entities
Ondřej is a co-founder of Bříza & Trubač Attorneys at Law. In his practice, he focuses on a wide scope of legal services, in particular on the complex topic of tax proceedings and clients´ representation before tax administrators, including their consequent representation before administrative courts. Furthermore, in his practice he deals with administrative law in general as well as with the newly developing sub-area of criminal law – the criminal tax law and thereto connected issue of active repentance in the context of criminal liability of legal entities. He also provides counselling in the area of compliance to companies. On a regular basis he gives presentations and contributes to professional publications and other periodicals. Before the establishment of Bříza & Trubač he worked for almost 4 years in the largest Czech law firm and before that in leading advisory firms.
Czech Bar Association; Czech Bar Association´s advisory section for public law
Krupičková, L., Trubač, O., Act on Financial Administration in the Czech Republic: Wolters Kluwer 2014 – co-author
Zatloukal, T., Tax Control in a Wider Context (In Czech original: Daňová kontrola v širších souvislostech), Prague: C. H. Beck 2008 – cooperation on the publication
Vorlíčková, L. (ed.), Criminal Tax Law. Compilation of Contributions at the IInd International Conference on the 18 February 2008 in Prague. (In Czech original: Trestní právo daňové. Sborník příspěvků z II. mezinárodní konference konané 18. února 2008) Prague: C. H. Beck 2008 – cooperation on the publication
Zatloukal, T. (ed.), Criminal Tax Law. Compilation of Contributions at the Ist International Conference on the 27 October 2006. (In Czech original: Trestní právo daňové. Sborník příspěvku z I. mezinárodní konference konané 27. října 2006). Prague: C. H. Beck 2007 – cooperation on the publication
Dráb, O., Trubač, O., Zatloukal, T., Defence Against Tax Inspection (In Czech original: Obrana před daňovou kontrolou), Prague: Aspi, a.s. 2006 – co-author
Tax Administration – compulsory class at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, summer semester 2013, teacher
Financial Law – cooperation with the Charles University Law Faculty´s Department of Financial Law and Finances
Issues linked to the limits of permissibility of tax optimizations and active repentance specificities in the criminal tax law – presentation at the Karlovy Vary Legal Days 2013
Civil Code VI. Law of obligations. Special part. Commentary (in Czech original: Občanský zákoník VI. Závazkové právo. Zvláštní část. Komentář) 1. Edition, Prague: C.H.Beck, 2014 - co-author
Are really all incomes subject to taxation? Seminar of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Judicial Academy, Kroměříž, May 2009 – speaker
IInd International Criminal Tax Law Conference, February 2008 – speaker
Remuneration of executive stock companies (in Czech original: Odměňování exekutivy akciových společností), Prague, Wolters Kluwer, 2017 - co-autor
Conference of Criminal Tax Law 2018 (in Czech original: Konference Trestní právo daňové 2018) - co-organizer/lecturer
Conference of Criminal Tax Law 2019 (in Czech original: Konference Trestní právo daňové 2019) - co-organizer/lecturer
Conference of Criminal Tax Law 2020 (in Czech original: Konference Trestní právo daňové 2020) - co-organizer/lecturer
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