Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 3

Telecom, Broadcast & Satellite

District of Columbia

13 Years Ranked


Provided by Laura Phillips


Practice Areas

Laura Phillips applies her extensive knowledge of the telecommunications industry and its regulation to advise entrepreneurs on opportunities and challenges related to constantly evolving communications technologies. She is particularly focused on spectrum policies, including licensing and the means to effectuate effective transitions in spectrum allocations and uses. She also focuses on the development of broadband infrastructure and the offering of broadband services, as well as telecommunications universal service and universal access matters. Laura counsels clients on a range of regulatory matters including Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) compliance strategies, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license transfers and assignments in commercial transactions. She is experienced in building successful policy advocacy and in advising clients during FCC audits, investigations and enforcement actions. She is a former president of the Federal Communications Bar Association. Laura has been ranked by Chambers USA in the area of Telecom, Broadcast & Satellite in the District of Columbia since 2009.

View more at: https://www.phillipscommlaw.com

Professional Memberships

Member FCBA - the Tech Bar

Chambers Review

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Telecom, Broadcast & Satellite - District of Columbia

Band 3
Individual Editorial
Laura Phillips advises an impressive roster of clients on matters such as FCC policy surrounding spectrum and privacy issues.


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District of Columbia

Telecom, Broadcast & Satellite

Laura Phillips
Laura Phillips
Band 3