Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 3

General Business Law


3 Years Ranked

Ranked in Guides


Provided by Karen Babalyan


Practice Areas

Karen Babalian has a vast experience in matters of large scale debt finance (including project and infrastructure finance), financial institutions and capital markets regulations, complex financial transactions and is highly valued by the clients especially for his work in cross-border issues. During his two decades-long career as finance lawyer Karen has been serving as counsel and represented several financial institutions in secured and unsecured credit facilities of various types, including domestic and cross-border multimillion syndicated loans, arrangement of financing through capital markets, including work on international and local IPOs and Bond listing and allocations , standardized derivatives (including ICMA standard documents based) transactions, debt restructuring and so on.

Having equally deep knowledge of corporate and finance law Karen has served as key adviser for most of the largest M&A and equity investment projects taking place in Armenia during last decades mainly focusing on such sectors as mining, energy, telecom, banks and investment institution covering among other issues required regulatory consent and compliance issues.

Chambers Review

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Chambers Global Guide

General Business Law - Armenia

Band 3
Individual Editorial
Karen Babalyan's practice focuses on banking and finance, insurance and corporate advice, including regulatory matters. He is particularly active in the mining, energy and telecommunication sectors.

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General Business Law

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