Practice Areas
Managing Partner at Bindmans and Head of Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury.
Jon has a wide range of experience in both personal injury and clinical negligence work, having qualified in 1992 and specialised in these fields since 1994.
Jon specialises in complex, high-value claims involving clients who have sustained brain damage and spinal injuries, whether caused by an accident or a mistake during medical treatment. Jon has also handled professional negligence claims against solicitors and counsel in a range of fields, including conveyancing and personal injury.
He has a keen interest in trying to improve the lives of those who suffer from a disability, and much of his practice focuses upon clients who have suffered serious head and brain injuries.
Jon qualified 1992 and joined Bindmans LLP in 1999.
Jon regularly acts for adults and children who have suffered catastrophic life-changing injuries. Since December 2021, Jon has settled claims worth an aggregate total of over £30 million (on a capitalised basis). Recent cases include high-value settlements for a child with cerebral palsy, two lower limb amputees, and two adults who received seven-figure settlements arising out of an occupiers liability claim and a clinical negligence claim respectively.
Jon’s cases include:
Securing a settlement of over £20 million for a child who sustained catastrophic life-changing injuries following a delayed caesarean section at birth
A multimillion pound settlement for a man who sustained a traumatic brain injury following a fall at public premises
A multimillion pound settlement for a man who sustained a serious brain injury due to failings in his clinical care
A seven-figure settlement for a man who suffered double below-the-knee amputations as a consequence of failings in his medical care
A substantial settlement for a senior citizen who suffered a through the knee amputation following a road traffic accident. The settlement reflected a successful trial of a state of the art prosthetic
A settlement with a capitalised value of over £4.4 million for a boy who sustained brain damage following a failure to monitor his temperature after he underwent a cardiac catheterisation procedure
£5.5 million for a boy who sustained brain damage at birth due to obstetric negligence
£2.55 million in a clinical negligence case for a child who sustained cerebral palsy at birth
£1.25 million (2.08 million on full liability basis) for a man who sustained a head injury after a road traffic accident
£1.1 million in a professional negligence claim against solicitors and counsel for procedural errors in their handling of a personal injury claim
£715,000 for a man who sustained a head injury following an accident at work
£850,000 of a child who suffers from an Erb’s palsy injury and other neurological injuries following an episode of shoulder dystocia
£500,000 for a child who was injured after he cycled into the path of a bus
£232,500 for the family of a doctor who died two years after suffering a stroke following negligent treatment of his heart condition
£100,000 in a professional negligence claim against a firm of solicitors for failing to make appropriate enquiries of a planning authority
Professional Memberships
AvMA’s Clinical Negligence Panel since 2001
Law Society’s Personal Injury Panel (1998 to 2014)
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (since 1995)
Appointed to Headway list of panel solicitors in 2007
Professional Negligence Lawyers’ Association