Practice Areas
Jeroen Peters practises tax law at the intersection of (inter)national income tax, estate planning and complex corporate transactions, investment structures, charities, privacy and asset transfer and restructurings. He works for domestic and global families, entrepreneurs and corporate clients, and is highly valued by his clients, private bankers and other financial intermediaries.
Jeroen is convinced that at HVK Stevens he is in an environment where advice in the field of private wealth is provided on a broad and high level. As Jeroen said: "I'm contributing to a winning team in this area of expertise!"
2019 Peters, J.J.C. & Hoyng, P.,
'COVID-19; 'Aandachtspunten voor de vermogende particulier'.
2019 Peters, J.J.C. e.a.,
‘De implementatie van het UBO-register in België, Nederland, Luxemburg en Frankrijk’.
2019 Peters, J.J.C. & Hoying, P.,
‘De RC-maatregel, a commercial match made in heaven, tussen DGA’s en financiële instelling?’.
2019 Peters, J.J.C. & Auerbach X.G.R.,
‘De rekening-courantmaatregel? Noodweerexces? Excessief!’.
2019 Peters, J.J.C.,
‘Vermogensanonimisering, op het kruispunt van fiscale en civiele regelgeving. Waarom, wat en hoe?’.