Hermano Barbosa is a partner of BMA, practicing in the areas of Tax Law and Wealth Management and Succession Planning. He is also a university lecturer and a member of leading tax associations.
Hermano provides tax advice to clients from various economic sectors on M&A transactions, reorganizations, financing, debt and equity market transactions, international investments, and the interpretation and application of treaties. He assists individuals and their families with the legal and tax aspects of wealth management and succession planning, and represents clients in tax litigation before the courts and administrative authorities.
Hermano also has an active academic life. He has lectured on tax law and related subjects in undergraduate, postgraduate, and specialization courses at some of Brazil's most prominent universities (UERJ, PUC/Rio, FGV/Rio, and UFF). He was a guest lecturer in courses organized by Brazil's securities regulator, the CVM, and by the Public Accounts Tribunal of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro.
He is the author of books and articles published in specialized periodicals. Hermano is a member of the leading professional associations in his areas of practice.
Hermano is the author of the book "O poder de não tributar: benefícios fiscais na Constituição" (São Paulo, 2012), co-author of the books “L’autonomie financière territorial” (Paris, 2014) and “Direito Tributário e Políticas Públicas” (São Paulo, 2008) and frequently publishes articles on legal subjects of his practice in specialized law reviews.