Chambers Review
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Foreign Expert
Foreign Expert
Provided by Gabriel Ricardo Kuznietz
Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Aviation, Maritime and Infrastructure
Partner of Demarest's Mergers and Acquisitions area, as well as head of the Asia Practice and co-head of the Ibero-American Practice of the firm, Gabriel Ricardo Kuznietz holds a master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School (USA) and is admitted to practice law in both Brazil and in Argentina. He has a strong presence in the areas of Infrastructure and Project Finance, Transportation and Logistics. Among his main clients are aviation companies, vehicle assemblers, large multinationals and companies operating in the maritime sector.
Member of the International Bar Association (IBA), Vice-President of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (Camarbra);
Vice-President of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) Aviation Committee;
Member, Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA).
Co-author, "La inversión Extranjera en Brasil", 3º Ed., 2004 e 4ª Ed., 2010, Embaixada do Brasil em Buenos Aires - Setor de Promoção Comercial e Turismo.
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