Brazil: Transactional
Practice Areas
Corporate, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, Public Law and Banking
Senior Partner at Bocater since 2000. His practices involves M&A and Capital Markets transactions, corporate disputes, corporate governance projects related to public and private-held corporations, and others. Former Commissioner and Chairman at the BrazilianExchange Commission (SEC). Former in-house counsel at BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), where he held various positions, including Head of the Legal Department at BNDESPAR and Superintendent of several Areas (Financial and International, Capital Markets, others). Former member of the Boards of Directors at BNDES Pension Fund and at the Rio deJaneiro Stock Exchange. Former member of the Comissão da Moeda e do Crédito (COMOC), an advisory body of the National Monetary Council. Fomer member of the Executive Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). Former member of the Boards of Directors at various companies, (i.e. Banco do Brasil and Vale S.A).
Professional Memberships
AdvisoryCouncilat COPPEAD
Member of Câmara de Arbitragem do Mercado (CAM- B3)
Member of the Supervision Council of the Association of Securities Analysts (APIMEC)
Member of IBGC
Member of the Board of Directors at CIELO S.A.
Development Councilat PUC-Rio
Professor at UERJ, UCAM, and FGV
Brazil: Regions
Practice Areas
Corporate, Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, Public Law and Banking
Senior Partner at Bocater since 2000. His practices involves M&A and Capital Markets transactions, corporate disputes, corporate governance projects related to public and private-held corporations, and others. Former Commissioner and Chairman at the Brazilian Exchange Commission (SEC). Former in-housecounsel at BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), where he held various positions, including Head of the Legal Departmentat BNDESPAR and Superintendent of several Areas (Financial and International, Capital Markets, others) Former member of the Boards of Directors at BNDES Pension Fund and at the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange. Former member of the Comissão da Moeda e do Crédito (COMOC), an advisory body of the National Monetary Council. Fomer member of the Executive Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). Former member of the Boards of Directors at various companies, (i.e. Banco do Brasil and Vale S.A).
Professional Memberships
Advisory Council at COPPEAD
Member of Câmara de Arbitragem do Mercado (CAM- B3)
Member of the Supervision Council of the Association of Securities Analysts (APIMEC)
Member of IBGC
Member of the Board of Directors at CIELO S.A.
Development Council at PUC-Rio
Professor at UERJ, UCAM, and FGV