Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Chambers Global Guide
Dispute Resolution: Commercial - UK
He is an absolutely fantastic advocate, in terms of both courtroom advocacy and also the ability to clearly and crisply explain anything to the client.
He is genuinely astonishing.
David is the most comfortable advocate in the court I've ever seen – the courtroom is his lounge. His mind is razor-sharp and he is super-eloquent.
He's someone that every court listens to when he is addressing the issues in a case.
David is very adept at striking up a rapport with the Bench and using the right words at the right moment. He also brings a bigger picture and view of the case, given his experience.
International Arbitration - The English Bar - Global Market Leaders
Individual Editorial
Lord Wolfson is a distinguished and highly sought-after silk with broad commercial expertise. He has received instructions from major financial institutions and governments, and has considerable experience acting under LCIA and ICSID rules.
Lord Wolfson is an excellent and persuasive advocate, a very impressive strategist and extremely realistic in his submissions.
David Wolfson's brilliant. He has the ear and respect of judges.
David is absolutely exceptional. He is at the top of his game and one of a handful that I would trust with heavyweight cases. Tribunals listen to him, with good reason.
David Wolfson is a fantastic client-facing barrister. He really knows his audience.
Energy & Natural Resources - UK
Individual Editorial
David Wolfson KC is known for his analytical approach to a variety of cases in the energy sector, including those arising from the extraction and supply of gas. His commercial practice frequently sees him appearing in high-profile oil and gas disputes.
David is a fantastic, client-facing barrister.
David Wolfson has a good grasp of the commercial realities of a case. He is adept across many different areas.
David Wolfson has the ability to really tell a story. He can distil things down to the most simple terms and capture an audience.
Restructuring/Insolvency - UK
Individual Editorial
David Wolfson KC of One Essex Court is a known expert across a broad range of banking and commercial disciplines, including restructuring and insolvency. He has experience in both advisory and trial capacities, acting for a broad range of clients including investors, corporates and individuals.
David brings both intellectual heft and savvy commerciality. He always brings an added dimension to a case.
David is a ton of fun to work with. He is super committed, very commercial and very detailed in high-profile matters.
He is a fantastic advocate, in terms of both court advocacy and the ability to clearly explain issues to the client.